Do you play real tennis?

Talk about anything related to the ATP and WTA tours.

Do you play real tennis?

Yes, NTRP Playing Levels below 3
Yes, NTRP Playing Levels below 5
Yes, NTRP Playing Levels above 5
Yes, had been,but gave up for some reason
No, never
Total votes : 22

Postby Vieira151 » Mon, 08 Jun 2009 18:03

venom400 wrote:
djarvik wrote:
Rob ITST wrote:I highly suggest people don't string their own racquets. It doesn't matter how much effort you put into it, you're probably not going to do it as well as a professional - not a good professional anyway. I've seen a LOT of home string jobs and most of them are crap.

100% agree. Good stringers are rear. I might start sending my racquets to you Rob :P how much?

There is nothing wrong with string yourself, but it will take some serious time before you can do a Good job and do it Quick. In the meantime, you game will suffer :lol: I used to enjoy washing my car and waxing it, now I just give it to car wash. :wink:

It would be great to have a real ITST tourney! I might finally win something :twisted: ...but most likely we all will get blown out by one of the juniors here. :lol:

true . the juniors can run all the balls down , but they hate trash , give them a few high bouncing balls and some short ones followed by a lob and they start losing their head and lose lol .
Well the only problem with the real ITST tour is that some people live on the other side of the world , but I have an idea , starting another thread now ...

Hey, thats sounds what me and iains practices are generally like :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Mon, 08 Jun 2009 18:29

venom400 wrote:
Coolhand Texas wrote:Yep, i just started this year, and i play at 3.5 level. Im entering my first tournament this weekend!!! :D

3.5 can be quite competetive , I haven't seen you play but I have seen people playing in the 3.5 league that have been playing for over 5 years .

You shold have started at 3.0

Maybe but this is one of the few local tournamebts we have and the pro at our tennis center said i was 3.5 so i went with what he said.

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Postby venom400 » Mon, 08 Jun 2009 18:59

Coolhand Texas wrote:
venom400 wrote:
Coolhand Texas wrote:Yep, i just started this year, and i play at 3.5 level. Im entering my first tournament this weekend!!! :D

3.5 can be quite competetive , I haven't seen you play but I have seen people playing in the 3.5 league that have been playing for over 5 years .

You shold have started at 3.0

Maybe but this is one of the few local tournamebts we have and the pro at our tennis center said i was 3.5 so i went with what he said.

Well if the pro said so good luck ! just don't take it too hard if you lose , it took me a whole season of loses to start winning ironicly , I either tried to play too hard , or I would choke from being nervous , good luck !
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