I may well be speaking for myself but I seem to have found volleying correctly near on impossible over the past 2/3 days, this has lead me to wonder if there has been a recent game update. Volleys now seem to be extremely difficult to time correctly, when I do they still seem to be relatively pansy like and ineffective. What intrigues me Is that my drop volley is working better than ever and I have found a lot more players choosing to play drop shots regularly in their matches, has that had some affect from an update. I would also be the first to admit that my baseline game is far from perfect, however since my volleys have begun to decline my ground strokes have improved dramatically? My stats have not changed? It is all very frustrating! As I said earlier in the post this may well just be me experiencing this, but it would be interesting to find if any other S and V style players have seen a change.
Cheers for your time.