Yeah, we need rules. I'm not against big servers, no. The problem with TS4 is that it allows you to have a big serve, AND HUGE STROKES. The 1-2 punch is already good enough, but then now you have to deal with a big server who has a 90fh? It's such a brainless setup.
That's why we need these rules, , or else we're gonna keep having many complaints and many people are gonna start leaving.
I'm not against a big serve, but power over 80 should not have good strokes, period. The more power you have, the worst your strokes should be. I played djarvik with my big server who fit those rules. I'm actually a terrible server, so I'm in on way a good judge. The thing is if you don't use your serve effectively, you will lose. Now you really have to make use of that 1-2 punch even better. You can't rely on that crutch 90+fh braindead winner anymore. You have like an 80% chance of losing rallies. You have the power and serve, but in return you give up your ability to keep up with baseliners.
Something needs to be done about the coach that gives topspin invasion and monster defense. The problem with this coach is that she gives too much. She not only gives topspin invasion, which I have no problem with, but monster defense too
I used those rules above and created this with that same coach.
fh 83
bh 73
srv 73
vol 49
pw 69
sta 79
spe 66
rf 58
Top spin invasion, monster defense.
The character fits within those rules, but there are still problems. This is the most broken coach I have ever seen in the game, and I'm thinking about adding a ban for that coach in that thread. Hopefully people agree.
Top spin invasion: The more you use topspin shots during a rally, the more efficient they beome.
Monster Defense: Play more precise shots and make less errors when you are trailing
The thing with monster defense is that it lessens errors and your shots are more precise when you are trailing. Top spin invasion already makes your shots more precise and is hard to deal with alone, but then monster defense improves it. Giving you the ability to make impossible shots and angles on demand. Another problem is that monster defense improves your shots when you are trailing, so that applies to your service games AND YOUR OPPONENTS SERVICE GAMES.
Wait, so you already have hard to deal with precise shots from topspin invasion, just like slice invasion. Then you have monster defense which reduces your errors and makes your shots more precise as well, adding even more precision to your already precise topspin invasion shots, when you are trailing. When you are trailing? As in trailing during your game only? No, when you are trailing in general. That, imo, is broken.
I created that character above a while back, and my oh my I now see why 98% of WT is using this setup. It's like the 90+ pw 90+fh 90+srv combo. It's so easy and effective to use. Even though he is within the rules, it felt like I was cheating. I'm already good enough when at neutral, and up in games, but then I get better when I'm trailing. Regardless of who is serving? Really? That's too good.
I personally would like to see a ban on this coach, Pei Jing Quah. Those two skills are too much of a crutch when used together.