by RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:40
I need a little help here. Since the game has come out, I was mostly a power shot player. But now, with me using only S and V or all rounders, with not much power, these shots are worthless. After getting beat repeatedly by fellow ITSTers, including Djoker FR in the aussie open 2nd round, I knew something had to change. I used control shots in WT today with my all rounder, and when hit well, they worked great! However, if i got too soon or late, it was a realllly crappy shot. with my power shots, if i was a bit off, the ball would stll be halfway good. So, what should I do? Are the top players using control or power shots? Which is generally better for all rounders with low power/ s and vers? and what can i do to work on my control shots, if they are better to learn? (practice ground, CPU, etc.) THX!