How do some Players produce those Angles?

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How do some Players produce those Angles?

Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 08:01

Seriously I just played a Match in the 2K Open against a Guys who used Agassi. He has won two Matches in a Row against me because of better Angles.

I lost every Crosscourtbattle against this Guy. I mean these Guy does not more then pressing left or right to the wished Side than me so why do they produce clearly better Angles?

I also noticed this Problem against the ITST Mate VFB Fan and if you can't decide a few Crosscourtbatlles in a Match or in the best Case more than the Opponent your are lost.

Why is this? Some Opponents have thoses Angles that the Ball lands crosscourt in my Servicefield outwide, but if I press to right or left and even if I hit the Ball good the Ball lands crosscourt behind the Servicefield.

It's just logical that I lose all these Battles if it happens like this. :evil: :!:
Last edited by o Sinna o on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 21:43, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 08:10

Maybe I could answer those Questions by myself if I visit the Top Spin Academy for the first Time. *lol*

Do you learn about Angles in the Academy?
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Postby Hollaa Itz Mike » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 08:36

the only simple advice i have is that you need to make sure u are getting into the best possible position for the shot and also to make sure u are either aiming deep or short court...not just pressingn the left stick straight left...
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Postby SlicerITST » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 08:45

It doesnt teach you anything to put it away that sharp.

To perform such angles you need perfect timing, perfect positioning and the right ball to do it on. I did those shots with control and power shots but i feel they are sharper with control shots. I cant teach you which balls are good for this cause there are too many variables in play. You will have to find it out yourself by experimenting.

What i find the most satisfying ball to hit crosscourt is when the opponent slices a normal shot crosscourt, you walk into the ball diagonally and put the ball away with a perfectly timed short cross court control top spin shot. You can get some wicked angle on that.
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Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 09:03

Hm thx Mike and Slicer. My last Opponent did it very often so I guess he had a few pefect Timings. The Controlshots are more precise so I guess you can get even better Angles with them.

The last Match I played made just no Sense because I had always a Disadvantage in these Battles.

Hm I hope that's the so called Depth of TS4 and I am only a Noob. :wink:
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Postby willjonesjrSUSPENDED » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 16:28

I love the title of this thread!!!!! :D
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Postby Moralspain » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 16:53

Sinna, how many points does that guy have on the BH, or FH?
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Postby Mack2300 » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:27

Topspin invasion trait would also increase his angles significantly I would imagine.
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Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 21:40

Moralspain wrote:Sinna, how many points does that guy have on the BH, or FH?

He played with Agassi (and he has not Top Spin Invasion or Stuff like that) but I noticed this Problem against a few Players now and I don't think it's a optical Illusion that he hits the better Angles if I can clearly see that his Balls land in my Servicefields outwide and my Ball always behind his Servicefield in Crosscourt-Battles. :?

Agassi has a really good Fore- and Backhand but I don't think that's the Reason because of the Angles.

Or what do you think Guys?
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Postby NickZ3535 » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:46

The forehand/backhand trait has a ton to do with it. I know this because my character has a lot better forehand, and thus it is A LOT easier for me to hit those angles with my forehand.

Other than that, it's like other guys have said - getting perfect timing is key, as is being into the court. If you're behind the baseline, it makes it much harder.

Unfortunately though, I think this is one of the things that really pulls away from the realism of the game. Sure, you see some angles in the pros, but the angles generated in this game completely destroy any kind of realistic rally that might begin... Oh well. I'd like to see them nerf the angles a bit, or at least make angled shots more likely to go out and/or slower off the racquet.
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Postby o Sinna o » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:51

Hehe thx to you Guys that you try to help me. :)
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Postby djarvik » Fri, 25 Mar 2011 23:52

NickZ3535 wrote:The forehand/backhand trait has a ton to do with it. I know this because my character has a lot better forehand, and thus it is A LOT easier for me to hit those angles with my forehand.

Other than that, it's like other guys have said - getting perfect timing is key, as is being into the court. If you're behind the baseline, it makes it much harder.

Unfortunately though, I think this is one of the things that really pulls away from the realism of the game. Sure, you see some angles in the pros, but the angles generated in this game completely destroy any kind of realistic rally that might begin... Oh well. I'd like to see them nerf the angles a bit, or at least make angled shots more likely to go out and/or slower off the racquet.

Agree 100%.
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 00:12

o Sinna o wrote:Hehe thx to you Guys that you try to help me. :)

another thing try them on a short balls landing in the mid-court and everyone is right you have get into postion to hit the shots also it helps to move towards the ball when hitting them
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Postby Mack2300 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 04:06

NickZ3535 wrote:The forehand/backhand trait has a ton to do with it. I know this because my character has a lot better forehand, and thus it is A LOT easier for me to hit those angles with my forehand.

Other than that, it's like other guys have said - getting perfect timing is key, as is being into the court. If you're behind the baseline, it makes it much harder.

Unfortunately though, I think this is one of the things that really pulls away from the realism of the game. Sure, you see some angles in the pros, but the angles generated in this game completely destroy any kind of realistic rally that might begin... Oh well. I'd like to see them nerf the angles a bit, or at least make angled shots more likely to go out and/or slower off the racquet.

Constant extreme angled rallies are not normal but that is how a normal rally works in this game it seems. And this is where TS3 got it more right as you had the clear option of either hitting down the line or going cross-court, and you didn't have this constant unrealistic angled rallies.I don't know why they changed the gameplay so much. All it needed was some tweaking, not a major overhaul into Virtua Tennis arcade style :(
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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 04:20

TS2 was a short-angle fest too
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