power more then 80 ruins the game

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power more then 80 are fair?

Poll ended at Sun, 27 Mar 2011 01:13

Total votes : 39

power more then 80 ruins the game

Postby pfnerch » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 01:13

played some matches with my power guy with power 86 a its not a tennis simulation its pure arcade a it ruins the matches. what do you guys think? for me its boring and there must be the rule power not more then 80. a defensive baseliner must be so strong to win against a ofensive baseliner thats no fun a you need no skill to win.[/quote]
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Postby TomBs » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 01:16

Tbh I think it's way too early to speak about restricting stats. Restricting stats is quite difficult anyway, given that you can't alter stats seperately.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 02:37

This is nonsense talk.

But honestly I dont think it takes anything away from the gane

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Postby pfnerch » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 03:42

Coolhand Texas wrote:This is nonsense talk.

But honestly I dont think it takes anything away from the gane

thats not nonsense talk :wink: . its my opinion a i don't like the fast players.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 04:10

No front Pfnerch we are Buddies from yet. But in many Servicepoints of me you just stood still like a Heroin Junky and anticipated nothing with your Movement.

No Front but that just my Thoughts.

I saw it better from another Guy.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 04:17

I am just uploading it on youtube then you Guys see it. Give me a three-quarter hour then are boths sets uploaded.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 04:37

Even in the Top Spin 1 Days you had to anticipate the Serves with your Movement to hit a good Riskreturn.

I mean you couldn't hit Aces like in TS4 against good Players but it had the same Level in Point of Fun and Excitement.

We should be glad that we can finnaly hit Aces and shouldn't be against it.

That's just my Opinion.

And Realism back or forth. Ofcourse it's made to simulate Tennis but it's still a simple Game. Ok not simple because it's a Master-Piece but you know what I mean. :)
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Postby AUSSIE_FABS » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 05:22

O sinna you are such a fanboy lol. People should be allowed to have dif opinions of game without you launching into some rant :lol:.

Anyway I havent came up against a massively overpowered guy yet although I keep getting dc'd while searching :(.
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 05:51

pfnerch wrote:
Coolhand Texas wrote:This is nonsense talk.

But honestly I dont think it takes anything away from the gane

thats not nonsense talk :wink: . its my opinion a i don't like the fast players.

I was just joking about thats nonsense talk. :lol:

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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 05:53

AUSSIE_FABS wrote:O sinna you are such a fanboy lol. People should be allowed to have dif opinions of game without you launching into some rant :lol:.

Anyway I havent came up against a massively overpowered guy yet although I keep getting dc'd while searching :(.

Hey it's one thing to have a different opinion...when I start getting mad is when people start suggesting changes (that affect EVERYBODY!) because of something that they can't deal with or conquer.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 06:07

jayl0ve wrote:
AUSSIE_FABS wrote:O sinna you are such a fanboy lol. People should be allowed to have dif opinions of game without you launching into some rant :lol:.

Anyway I havent came up against a massively overpowered guy yet although I keep getting dc'd while searching :(.

Hey it's one thing to have a different opinion...when I start getting mad is when people start suggesting changes (that affect EVERYBODY!) because of something that they can't deal with or conquer.

Exaclty that's how it is. Many Guys already crying around and the Game is only a few Days out yet.

Power back or forth. Service back or forth.

You may not forget which Extraskills I have which entitle me to have such a Serve and which also gives you the Ability to perform such a big Service easier.

And you may not forget that every Extraskill has its use in the Game.

Maybe some Guys are just to stiffened on the Power or the Servicegame yet and you should foucs your mind on other things.

That's my Opinion.

And you may not forget the weak Points which such a extreme OFB like my Chracter has too.
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Postby pfnerch » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 11:45

jayl0ve wrote:
AUSSIE_FABS wrote:O sinna you are such a fanboy lol. People should be allowed to have dif opinions of game without you launching into some rant :lol:.

Anyway I havent came up against a massively overpowered guy yet although I keep getting dc'd while searching :(.

Hey it's one thing to have a different opinion...when I start getting mad is when people start suggesting changes (that affect EVERYBODY!) because of something that they can't deal with or conquer.

and im starting getting mad when people talking s...... like you a other people ruins a nice game. and who says i had no chance?? i played a close tiebreaker which one point mades the different. so stop talking shit master Jay..... :D
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 11:58

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Postby pfnerch » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 12:13

jayl0ve wrote:Whatever.

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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 15:03

TomBs wrote:Tbh I think it's way too early to speak about restricting stats.

i see it in same way , way to early to talk about restrictions !!
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