Frequently using drop shots with drop shot artist skill?

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Frequently using drop shots with drop shot artist skill?

Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 09:52

Hi everyone , as i stated on the subject, is it forbidden to use drop shots more than normal when you have the drop shot artist skill, to finish the rally or to get out of a hard situation (to use it defensively). After the last update, i changed my gamestyle and kinda worked on playing a more defensive game and using drop shots a lot since i have the skill aswell. I did not know that its called cheesy play and was forbidden until yesterday, my opponent warned and threatened me . I had no bad intention and stopped using the shot a lot and lost 2 games fair and square. Especially with the drop shot artis skill , shouldnt people be allowed to use it at least once a point? I checked the forum before creating that player with the drop shot artist skill and practiced a lot without knowing that its forbidden. Anyways , i want to read your opinions about this situation, if its really forbidden , im gonna focus on a different player from nowon.
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Postby Indiantonike » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 09:59

Last times I looked a Dolgopolov match, and he used drop shot a lot of times. I don't really think doing drop shot to finish a point is cheesy.

But people doing a dropshot to get out of a bad situation make me crazy since it is so easy to hit one of these, and in all situations, there are absolutely amazing (very court, on the line), and totally unrealistic :o
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Re: Frequently using drop shots with drop shot artist skill?

Postby Garghamell » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 10:22

i suggest contacting the tournament host and asking them their opinion. it's a grey area. i hate it when people overuse the drop shot, but i still don't know how i feel about it being 'banned'. is it cheesy to overuse it? of course it is. and using it once a point is most definitely overusing it. i don't think it should be as easy as it is when you have the Drop Shot Artist skill. i played an exhibition with someone with that skill and it was thoroughly infuriating since he used it every other point...
think about it this way, how often does the drop shot get used in a match in real life? (even by someone who uses it a lot?) then compare it to how often you use it.
just my humble opinion, that's all.
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Postby MAS84 » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 11:41

Hey guy,

I play sometimes too with a player who has drop shot artist skill. Why is it not allowed? Where are the new rules listed?
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Postby Garghamell » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 11:54

it's allowed. just annoying/borderline cheesy.
but allowed nonetheless. dropshot away!
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Postby Yard10 » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:11

i think it's not cheesy because if your opponent use it most of the time, you can anticipate it and return it with a power flat shot and get an easy winner. i think it's quite balance in a way that player with 'drop shot artist' skill have low power. its difficult for them to get a winner. so, if they dont use their drop shot well, they'll be crushed by power opponent.

so i think after the new update, this game is all about how you utilise your special skills and attributes.

p/s: the only cheesy play that i can think of for now is tramline

just my thought though..
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 15:29

it really depends.... If you use it more than 2 times a game its kinda cheesy, but 2 or less i dont care..
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Postby Moralspain » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 15:58

why don't you use the drop shotrationally?, is that so hard to understand?
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Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:14

Moralspain wrote:why don't you use the drop shotrationally?, is that so hard to understand?

Another aggresive post , rational use of any shot depends on the playstyle i think , a sv player using volley shots as much as possible means irrational? So by playing defensively , i use cross angle control shots to drain my opponents stamina instead of aggresive power shots and finish the point with a cross angle shot or drop shot, whats wrong with that?
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:21

Enummievol wrote:
Moralspain wrote:why don't you use the drop shotrationally?, is that so hard to understand?

Another aggresive post , rational use of any shot depends on the playstyle i think , a sv player using volley shots as much as possible means irrational? So by playing defensively , i use cross angle control shots to drain my opponents stamina instead of aggresive power shots and finish the point with a cross angle shot or drop shot, whats wrong with that?

I dont think he meant to be offensive, hes just saying that it is prety easy to get how much u should use a drop shot.......
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Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:24

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:
Enummievol wrote:
Moralspain wrote:why don't you use the drop shotrationally?, is that so hard to understand?

Another aggresive post , rational use of any shot depends on the playstyle i think , a sv player using volley shots as much as possible means irrational? So by playing defensively , i use cross angle control shots to drain my opponents stamina instead of aggresive power shots and finish the point with a cross angle shot or drop shot, whats wrong with that?

I dont think he meant to be offensive, hes just saying that it is prety easy to get how much u should use a drop shot.......

Thats my point , how much of a shot i can or should use must be all up to me , everyone's choices will be different after all , we're not robots.
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Postby Moralspain » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:24

Enummievol wrote:
Moralspain wrote:why don't you use the drop shot rationally?, is that so hard to understand?

Another aggresive post

agressive? :shock: man do whatever you want, lately there're too many people complaining about everything around here, i miss the old times... ...i'm out
There's no rule about the drop shot, so use it the way you want
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Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:07

Moralspain wrote:
Enummievol wrote:
Moralspain wrote:why don't you use the drop shot rationally?, is that so hard to understand?

Another aggresive post

agressive? :shock: man do whatever you want, lately there're too many people complaining about everything around here, i miss the old times... ...i'm out
There's no rule about the drop shot, so use it the way you want

The ''Is that so hard to understand '' part is a bit unnecessary mate,but sorry if i misunderstood your intention , thanks for the post.

I also wanna ask a question regarding reports . 2 random players reports makes the reported player get a warning and in the end a ban?, what if the reporters are not telling the truth , this even includes the itst moderators , how can we or them prove anything? I'm curious about this , yesterday my opponent did not let me use drop shots as much as i want , said that he would report me if i use them on every point , im not using nicknames since its forbidden i guess , anyway what should i do , ask my opponents before a match if they will mind me using drop shots a lot since i have drop shot artist skill?
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Postby fedfan » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:20

All of this back and forth on the forums is becoming ridiculous. If people have a problem with someone take it up with them by pm, don't post it on the forums and then be surprised when everyone starts putting their opinions into the mix.

There are rules and then there is fair play and etiquette. Most people here use to play first and foremost for fun and to enjoy good competition now everyone just wants to win and don't care how they do it.

Btw this isn't aimed at anyone inparticular, if I had an issue with someone I'd take it up with them directly or via the host.

And finally without the management and hosts who use their free time to keep itst going everyone would be confined to world tour, or nothing if you have a ps3 so a little bit of respect is owed all round I think.
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Postby Enummievol » Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:39

fedfan wrote:All of this back and forth on the forums is becoming ridiculous. If people have a problem with someone take it up with them by pm, don't post it on the forums and then be surprised when everyone starts putting their opinions into the mix.

There are rules and then there is fair play and etiquette. Most people here use to play first and foremost for fun and to enjoy good competition now everyone just wants to win and don't care how they do it.

Btw this isn't aimed at anyone inparticular, if I had an issue with someone I'd take it up with them directly or via the host.

And finally without the management and hosts who use their free time to keep itst going everyone would be confined to world tour, or nothing if you have a ps3 so a little bit of respect is owed all round I think.

This is nothing personal , i just wanted to know if using drop shots a lot is illegal or not , yesterday i was informed wrong then , well im gonna use drop shots the way i want from nowon. The matches which i lost yesterday could have been different but anyways Moralspain said that its ok to use drop shots whenever we want if i did not misunderstand. And if we cant discuss something on the forums , where can we ? Pm is for private matters, forum is for people to read and share their opinion. Thanks for the feedback guyz. Cu on the court.
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