Tactics vs other playstyles as an All-Rounder

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Tactics vs other playstyles as an All-Rounder

Postby DarkStriker97 » Tue, 05 Jul 2011 15:55

I want to know how all rounders should combat all of the other playstyles. Its the most versatile playstyle, but with no strength.
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Postby DarkTunde » Tue, 05 Jul 2011 23:01

I'm interested in this as well.

Just played my first ITST match and got blown away by a guy with a FH in the 90s? (:shock:), a massive serve, power & stamina. He must have been something like: 0/17/3.

I really struggled on how to get into each point. I had my best moments when I volleyed, but getting to the net against all that power was hard. :?

AAC is probably the most enjoyable and pleasing to view when it all comes together, but the big issue is getting into that 'zone of play'. The advantage of the other styles is they have a more obvious/straight forward way of playing, whereas for AAC, we sem to have to really think our way through every point.
I used to think I was indecisive... but now I'm not so sure.
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Postby SlicerITST » Tue, 05 Jul 2011 23:35

Playing as an Allrounder is probably the hardest thing to do succesfully in my opinion.

I think an important tip is to know your opponents player well before you begin a match. Look at his stats carefully. Have a game plan ready to counter any style. Any other style has its weaknesses. If some of these weaknesses can be exploited in this game is another discussion.

Basically you should always remember you are playing more to your opponents weaknesses then your own strength.

If you are playing a S&V player you will need to keep him away from the net. How are you going to do this? Make a plan for that and test it. If it doesnt work then try something else. Realise that you have a full range of shots to your possesion. You can play anywhere on the court and be succesful. This is your strength.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 06 Jul 2011 06:59

Thats is a great idea......

Basically, if ppl from other playstyles told us their weaknesses, it would help us formulate a game plan.
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Postby MrMackNasty » Wed, 06 Jul 2011 07:38

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Thats is a great idea......

Basically, if ppl from other playstyles told us their weaknesses, it would help us formulate a game plan.

so your saying you want everyone to tell them their weaknesses to you?

ha. good luck with that
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 06 Jul 2011 08:07

lol sarcasm is hard to convey on the internet. :lol:
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Postby Painted Crystal » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 11:02

I think the best tactic against players superpower is to use the slice long, controlled strokes dishes and attack the net when he is tired or have a difficult recovery.

The good net players are, for me, the worst enemies at times frustrating. What I do is to use, when they come to net, short top spin or topspin controlled, however, against some members of ITST, the best players in the network for me, use outstanding passers. I would like to know from them how can they be so perfect in their responses to service

Every time I meet a member ITST destroys me, today I played against Dapery, great honor, and, with the player does not complete, he killed me

I have done just this question online but he did not answer, do it now.
I hope that I meet the top players, I would love to improve

I play with a 8-6-6 (I do not like to rely on power alone, I think the game is too unbalanced in favor of those who have the players over 85) and I use many controlled shot but if not hit perfectly I'm destroyed by players with plenty of power
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Postby Painted Crystal » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 11:28

I forgot to make a new account that I consider very important
I think after the update coaches bonus would be the case, to make the matches more fair to remove from the ban old coaches banned that give normal points and skills and ban those who give too much power (Rabary certainly should be banned, absurd skills with that power points)
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Postby supinesmokey13 » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 11:55

Painted Crystal wrote:I forgot to make a new account that I consider very important
I think after the update coaches bonus would be the case, to make the matches more fair to remove from the ban old coaches banned that give normal points and skills and ban those who give too much power (Rabary certainly should be banned, absurd skills with that power points)
is it alex bickham 8/6/6 if so use short cross court slices and slice up the line. and any short balls you get come into net and to come to net as much as possible o put pressure on your opponent.

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Postby FilthyMcNastyUK » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 12:31

supinesmokey13 wrote:
Painted Crystal wrote:I forgot to make a new account that I consider very important
I think after the update coaches bonus would be the case, to make the matches more fair to remove from the ban old coaches banned that give normal points and skills and ban those who give too much power (Rabary certainly should be banned, absurd skills with that power points)
is it alex bickham 8/6/6 if so use short cross court slices and slice up the line. and any short balls you get come into net and to come to net as much as possible o put pressure on your opponent.

controlled, normal or power slices?
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Postby VMoe86 » Wed, 27 Jul 2011 09:02

I want to resurrect this thread. After experimenting a bit with Sahy Rabari and Drew Welch I went back to my roots: An allrounder with Bickham as coach.

It is useful to play with extreme setups in order to improve certain aspects of your game, I believe. Now I feel much more comfortable playing as an allrounder.

Against offensive baseliners I know what to do, it is a matter of execution - hitting short slices, drawing them in, then hitting a deep shot or exploiting their low speed stats by hitting good angles with control shots (of course volleying with Bickham is very nice and exploits low speed stats to a certain degree as well).

Against defensive baseliners I'm a bit clueless. Yesterday I played against a good defensive baseliner with Drew Welch (0-0-20, both strokes at 90) on World Tour. I lost 1-3, 3-4 (4-7).

From the baseline alone it was nearly impossible to win the rallies. I could defend well, but only when he gave me a short ball I could win points from the baseline. On serve I serve and volleyed at least 50% of the time and was broken only once. On return I hit deep returns (either slice or top spin) and went to the net whenever I had the chance to. This started working well in the late stages of the match, when I read my opponents game better.

I know I need better execution (two mistimed volleys in the tie break on return were costly) in general, but more advices are always welcome.
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