Gear for Player

All around, Serve & Volley, Offensive or Defensive Baseliner. What are you? Discuss TS4 characters, coaches and tactics here.

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Gear for Player

Postby ChunkDEUCE » Thu, 24 Mar 2011 05:43

Question! Haven't beaten the career or even come close for that matter, I am LVL 19 - Rising Star. But my question is do you ever unlock the Wilson gear? Also very frustrating that this career is taking me so long. I made the mistake of putting it on real tennis. But the computer can barely take a game even on very hard. So it's more or less just time consuming.

Also I mean if I could make a thread of my complaints about this game it might be multiple pages. But I have to say this, why is it that the computer players all S&V til like the top 20? Frustrating and annoying considering they don't even employ the tactic the right way by serving it as wide and cutting as possible. Secondly, is it just me or is the timing all off for approach shots? I don't know if anyone pays attention to this in real life tennis but they are hitting the ball literally less than a second after it bounces. Finally, if I get glitched into taking another ball out of the air or the computer takes a swinging volley at the baseline because there is a deep-heavy topspin shot I will cry. Ha I do enjoy this game though! Thought I might throw my thoughts on the table for you to see.
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Joined: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 04:59

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