How to get to level 20

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Postby o Sinna o » Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:36

Ofocurse you can Djarvik. How many glasses of wine did you drink before staring this? :lol:

It's the same like Tejintenkai told us the Movement in the full Version is heavier. I just play it and it feels excellent.

What do you Guys smoke the whole Day?

What I also notice is the Ballance of the Pros and Andvantages and Disadvantages in only three Matches.

The Game has really alot to offer.

Who was the Guy whol told us that Power doesn't effect muchg on Control Shots for example? It was Tejentinkai too. You just have to play with a Player like Chang and you see how lame his Controlshots are. With Chang it's more effective to hit Powershots if you can.

Seriously what do you smoke? :lol:
Last edited by o Sinna o on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:43, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:37

:P more then a few! ...but still....I like the TS3 Face creator better 8)
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Postby o Sinna o » Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:40

djarvik wrote::P more then a few! ...but still....I like the TS3 Face creator better 8)

Hhehe ok it's your Opinion and maybe it is because you were more familiar with the TS3 Editor. But that doesn't mean that we can't create the Faces we want or that the TS3 Editor was better.

Maybe we just have to explore it a lil bit more.
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Postby sam250 » Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:45

o Sinna o wrote:
djarvik wrote::P more then a few! ...but still....I like the TS3 Face creator better 8)

Hhehe ok it's your Opinion and maybe it is because you were more familiar with the TS3 Editor. But that doesn't mean that we can't create the Faces we want or that the TS3 Editor was better.

Maybe we just have to explore it a lil bit more.

Yes I will make sure I master that editor before I start making my ATP players, but the quality of this TS4 editor seems very good to me, just need to be more familiar with it. I will notice you djarvik when I "release" my first player (which will probably be soderling) and then I will think for a thread :)

P-S: For now, I don't even have the game, so I think in 4-5 days I will post my first ATP player
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:50

Yes, please do let me know when you get the game and ready to release pro-players. The position is yours if you want it :wink:
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Thu, 17 Mar 2011 21:48

I'm with you Al... the TS4 editor is horrid... and what's with the women's faces shaped like footballs?!?!?
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Postby KluddKalle » Fri, 18 Mar 2011 06:49

JJ_DUBZ_87 wrote:I'm with you Al... the TS4 editor is horrid... and what's with the women's faces shaped like footballs?!?!?

I kind of agree. I have made two players and they both look like crack addicts, and I felt like I couldn't control that. Something is definately off with the creator.
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Postby tenjintenkai » Sat, 19 Mar 2011 17:42

ah i am not alone feeling the player creator in TS4 is worse than in TS3.
As the good egocentric that i am, the first player i tried to make was myself... well now i know how i would look if i were a 20-years-older-beaten-up-hobo. It is just plain scary. Funny to play a sport game with characters looking like elephantman suffering from cirrhosis or progeria... or both.

Sina: for my defense when i said the players felt heavier was because i played at someone else's place and was using his controller (which was in bad shape) and it wasnt responding exactly as good as mine (i am not one of these nervous guys literally destroying controllers while playing).

It's good to be able to create new characters and asign directly all xps but i can't say i am very fond of this 3 styles system for now...
I just reached lvl 17 but it seems my character went a route i didnt want him to go. I guess i have to make a few characters later and test different patterns and xps distribution.
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Postby TomBs » Sat, 19 Mar 2011 17:52

Yeah it's awful really. Tried to create Krajicek, and actually managed to create something that looks slightly like him.

But when playing he just looks awful. Cartoonish really. Can't recognize the face I saw in the editor anymore. Had a way better Krajicek in ts3.
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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 19 Mar 2011 19:26

Yeah maybe Djarvik was really right. But I am pleasesd how my black Characters look. Maybe the TS4 Editor isn't the best to recreate Pro Faces, but it's good enough to create a good looking Character.

But what I don't understand is why they made a step back with the TS4 Editort when you say the TS3 Editor was better. :wink:

I think they should gave us the same Possibilities they used to create the Pro Faces in the Game.
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Postby venusnadal » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 12:39

No offense but thread stealing is not nice. This tread was asking about getting to level 20 fast not about player creation difficulties.
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Postby SlicerITST » Sun, 20 Mar 2011 15:37

Your question was answered though. To recap:

You can earn experience points for you created player in any game mode of TS4. With these experience points you can level up your character. The fastest way to do this is of course by only playing super tiebreak matches versus the AI on very easy.

I leveled up my character on normal in about 8 hourse but this was in the career mode and i was trying out several things. I can imagine that if you know what you are doing you can level up on very easy in about 4 hours.

If you finished your career once you unlock a special mode where you can create all the players you want with unlimited experience points.
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