World Tour: 80% Powersettings

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World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby Agassi_Return » Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:39

After a long break i decided to play WT again. I had 18 Matches. One of these matches was against serve & volley opponent. Two against defence baseliner and 15 (!!!) against power settings. Most of them used 90 power or higher and yeeah many opponents used also serve from the corners of the court. WT Mode is getting worse. I mean 8/10 of games are against power settings which are used by noobs and also avarage players because they know it is the best weapon to stay in the match even without skills on rallys.

2k Sports need to balance some of these power settings in TS5!! Beginning with the 98/98 Setting. Power + good Serve (90-100) gives so many advantages so you can stay in matches without any skill.(if you know how to serve).
There are several reasons why these powersettings are (more) unabalanced as defence baseliner settings:

- Zero risk on second serve (230kmh - hit the lines)
- Corner serve
- Even if you hit with bad timing your shot can still fast and precise (also due to the last patch)
- Freeze bug on return
- Less time to react on power (setting) shots and harder to play your own shots with good/perfect timing
- No agassi/joker/murray settings possible on WT Mode -> no risk to serve from the corners
- You can hold your serve much easier and get in the tie break and perhaps win it with luck
- Due to last patch defence shots are to short against powersettings (the only solution to avoid this: Monster Defence)
- Against a good opponent who use power setting you cant win with defence balseliner without using control shots.

Dont get me wrong i still winning against these power settings but it so frustrating to know that most of my opponents would lose easily without these settings. Here is an example. I played a few months ago against one of these guys (98/98 setting). The match was VERY close and i won the super tie break. I told him he would lose without any chance when he plays without these setting. So we did two matches. I picked Jankovic against Fed. I won 3-0 3-0. In the second match i picked Rafter against Becker and won again 3-0 3-0. Power settings gives you so much advantages even if you suck and thats why more and more wt players uses these settings.

2k Sports NEED to fix/balance these settings in WT Mode of TS5!!!!...or perhaps create a new WT Mode in which only real tennis players can be picked.

What do you think?
Last edited by Agassi_Return on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:55, edited 3 times in total.
Agassi forever!
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby Burna747 » Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:52

Same problem on xbox and thats the reason why i stopped playing wt at the moment. I have never seen so many power setups like now. :shock:
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Sun, 02 Jun 2013 23:59

I don't have problems facing power players. They're the easiest to defeat, on average.
They serve from the corners? I move laterally while they're throwing the ball in the air. Yes, this kind of serve gives you incredible angles, but on the other hand it's a "prison". You can be effectively only by serving wide, if you serve in the middle, there are less chance to get the ace.
Of coure I return with slice shots.

Less time to react? I use control shots. We've talk about that in the other topic, but hey, if they use power and tramline services, why couldn't I use control shots?

Win your service easily? Yes, that can be true, but on the same way, they suck on return, so as far as they can hold easily, they have more difficult when they're not serving.

But I don't agree when you talk about the timing. It's true that power shots can still be strong and precise even with a bad timing, but don't understimate the other side of the coin.
I use two players in WT (with 2 accounts), one is a Neuwirth player, but the other is a power player (100 power-91 serve).
So when I face defensive users that actually are great players, my power isn't enough.

Infact, I don't "base" all my play on pure power, cause if I do, I will lose for sure.
Facing a guy with monster defence or with smell of blood (Welch), means being EXTREMELY precise with every single shot. And I also cannot use street angles too much, cause they can get on the ball faster than me, and hit it whit better timing.
So every single power shot I hit, must have the perfect timing, the right depth, and a good direction.

Especially against guys that never (and I mean never) do unforced.

But yes, most of these power players are noob, so I can win against them anyway.
But it's not only about power settings, I think it's about "extreme" settings, cause I face players trained by Samala or Welch that could destroy my power player, if used in the right way.
But I won easily cause these users clearly don't know what they handle, they have no idea of the variety of weapons these player are equipped with.
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby Agassi_Return » Mon, 03 Jun 2013 01:14

ICEMAN_9588 wrote:I don't have problems facing power players.
They're the easiest to defeat, on average.

Easier as defence baseliner players who are on the same level und dont use control shots? ;) A noob with powersetting who have experience in serving is (much) harder to beat as a noob with welch setting.

They serve from the corners? I move laterally while they're throwing the ball in the air.

If you decide to move to one side they can still make the point by hitting the ball to the other side. Its like penalty shootout.
...and even if you hit a good diagonal slice return they can still make the point with the next shot and thats how i lose most of my points against these power setting opponents.

Yes, this kind of serve gives you incredible angles, but on the other hand it's a "prison". You can be effectively only by serving wide,

Disagree. You can still hit the lines on the other side or play a serve with spin.

Less time to react? I use control shots. We've talk about that in the other topic, but hey, if they use power and tramline services, why couldn't I use control shots?

Yes you have less time to react against fast shots. Control shots against power serve? Do not work...they are weak and to short compare to normal return shots.

Win your service easily? Yes, that can be true, but on the same way, they suck on return, so as far as they can hold easily, they have more difficult when they're not serving.

Why they suck on return? With power 100 your returns are stronger even with reflex 50. They suck on getting the next shot AFTER return BUT if they get the next shot they are in the rally and can make the point even without control shots.

Win your service easily? Yes, that can be true

THIS! Now just imagine a noob or avarage player would pick Welch or Samala and try to win against you with the same playing style as he plays with power setting (and no control shots). He would lose easily 3-0 3-0.

I use two players in WT (with 2 accounts), one is a Neuwirth player, but the other is a power player (100 power-91 serve).
So when I face defensive users that actually are great players, my power isn't enough.

I am not talking Neuwirth because his serve is not that good. I am talking about the combination of superb serve + power. Thats why only good players picks Neuwirth due to his good control shots but NOT noobs or avarage players.

Infact, I don't "base" all my play on pure power, cause if I do, I will lose for sure.
Facing a guy with monster defence or with smell of blood (Welch), means being EXTREMELY precise with every single shot. And I also cannot use street angles too much, cause they can get on the ball faster than me, and hit it whit better timing.
So every single power shot I hit, must have the perfect timing, the right depth, and a good direction.

You talking about opponents who are perfect on control shots. BUT an opponent who plays with welch and dont use control shots would easily lose against your power setting. On the other side the same guy who use power setting can still manage to get in the tie or super tie break. Thats why these power settings are more unbalanced and require less skill...and I am not talking about Rabari or Neuwirth setting.

...and what about:

- Zero risk on second serve (230kmh - hit the lines)
- Freeze bug on return
- No agassi/joker/murray settings possible on WT Mode -> no risk to serve from the corners
- Due to last patch defence shots are to short against powersettings (the only solution to avoid this: Monster Defence)

If I am so wrong and power settings DO NOT require less skill (compare to defence baseliner) why 80% of the WT players uses these kind of settings? ;)
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Mon, 03 Jun 2013 11:26

Agassi_Return wrote:Easier as defence baseliner players who are on the same level und dont use control shots? ;) A noob with powersetting who have experience in serving is (much) harder to beat as a noob with welch setting.

A noob can't have experience in serving :mrgreen:
When I use my Neuwirth player, I have more troubles with defensive baseliners, cause my power isnt's always enough to break their defense.
Against power players I use control shots, making them run to the left and to the right, while I'm standing still with my feet on the baseline.

Agassi_Return wrote:They serve from the corners? I move laterally while they're throwing the ball in the air.
If you decide to move to one side they can still make the point by hitting the ball to the other side. Its like penalty shootout.
...and even if you hit a good diagonal slice return they can still make the point with the next shot and thats how i lose most of my points against these power setting opponents.

No mate, I'm talking about the moment they are throwing the ball in the air. At that time, you have already selected the direction of your serve, and it's very difficult changing it (cause if you do, it will come out a serve not so wide and not much near to the service lines).

Agassi_Return wrote:Disagree. You can still hit the lines on the other side or play a serve with spin.

I have to say that in WT very few players vary directions of serve.
You're talking about noobs, and noobs can do only that, serve wide (or middle serve), but also good players often choose to serve the same.

The few guys that vary serve direction (even without serving from tramlines) are more insidious. But it's a good thing, cause you don't see Isner or Raonic serve always wide.

Agassi_Return wrote:Yes you have less time to react against fast shots. Control shots against power serve? Do not work...they are weak and to short compare to normal return shots.

Well, actually control shots are made exactly to contrast power shots. They're more effective against power shots!
I'm talking about the ralleis of course, on return I prefer to use slice or X button if the serve is not so wide.

Agassi_Return wrote:Why they suck on return? With power 100 your returns are stronger even with reflex 50. They suck on getting the next shot AFTER return BUT if they get the next shot they are in the rally and can make the point even without control shots.

Yes if they get the next shot they come into the rally. Ok, it can happen.

Agassi_Return wrote:THIS! Now just imagine a noob or avarage player would pick Welch or Samala and try to win against you with the same playing style as he plays with power setting (and no control shots). He would lose easily 3-0 3-0.

Sure, but if they're noob/average, I would beat them anyway, with no tie break.

Agassi_Return wrote:I am not talking Neuwirth because his serve is not that good. I am talking about the combination of superb serve + power. Thats why only good players picks Neuwirth due to his good control shots but NOT noobs or avarage players.

Yes I know, I was just saying that I usually play WT with two different kind of players (even fi they're both offensive).

Agassi_Return wrote:You talking about opponents who are perfect on control shots. BUT an opponent who plays with welch and dont use control shots would easily lose against your power setting. On the other side the same guy who use power setting can still manage to get in the tie or super tie break. Thats why these power settings are more unbalanced and require less skill...and I am not talking about Rabari or Neuwirth setting.

No I'm talking about opponents who are perfect on EVERY shot.
I use my power player, hit an acceleration, Welch guy returns it with a top spin shot that comes right on the left side line, on my weak backhand, and the rally is turned against me in a blink.

Agassi_Return wrote:...and what about:

- Zero risk on second serve (230kmh - hit the lines)
- Freeze bug on return
- No agassi/joker/murray settings possible on WT Mode -> no risk to serve from the corners
- Due to last patch defence shots are to short against powersettings (the only solution to avoid this: Monster Defence)

If I am so wrong and power settings DO NOT require less skill (compare to defence baseliner) why 80% of the WT players uses these kind of settings? ;)

About these things, I agree with you, but I still can defeat them easier than the other noobs with different settings.
It's just a personal feeling of course.
I also agree with you about the fact that extreme power settings require less skill than extreme defensive settings, I was just saying that noob simply think that extreme settings will help them to win faster in WT.
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby Agassi_Return » Mon, 03 Jun 2013 17:58

I also agree with you about the fact that extreme power settings require less skill than extreme defensive settings

Ok i think finnaly we got our point :D

Sure, but if they're noob/average, I would beat them anyway, with no tie break.

Yes but thats what i hate about it. It is so annoying to know that your opponent is a noob who would lose easily 3-0 3-0 and making only 1-2 points BUT NO because of the fact that he uses power and serve he can hold his serve game and perhaps get in tie break.

I hope 2k sports will balance the extrem power settings.
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Mon, 03 Jun 2013 18:52

How can we call WT players noobs when nearly 80% of players here abuse control shots just the same?
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby DennieFR1908 » Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:45

Because noob sais something about there skills, not the way they play ;)
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Mon, 03 Jun 2013 22:24

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:How can we call WT players noobs when nearly 80% of players here abuse control shots just the same?

Mate, I really don't know how to explain it, so I took a photo by my PS3. It's the practice court of TS4...

The black circle says "Tiri Controllati", which means (in Italian) "Control Shots".
Below, it says "Colpi Potenti", "Power Shots".

This means that control shots are part of the game exactly as power shots and O button shots, X button shots, triangle and square button shots.

I don't understand why control shots are considered like some sort of "hidden trick" that will make you win more matches.
There's a tutorial even, the game teaches you how to use them, so if you become good with them, why, why, why you should be called "noob" or "cheater" or something like that?
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 04 Jun 2013 00:23

Drop shots, lobs, short slices, are apart of the game too...but not used every point. And as far as Power vs.'s no different to exploit power than exploit control. Everyone talks about 100 power or 98 power 98 serve, whatever, but it's the same thing...power ruled the tour before now players have since learned to exploit using control shots...just someone found another cheap way to win a match exploiting the game. It's no different than WT.
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 04 Jun 2013 00:50

The point is that hitting control shots at least requires some sort of skill, while using 100 power and hitting all power shots really doesn't.
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 04 Jun 2013 00:52

That's simply the popular opinion...and nothing more.
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 04 Jun 2013 01:15

100 power + hitting a power shot + poor timing = a powerful shot that isn't close to the lines.
Hitting a control shot + poor timing = a slow ball that isn't close to the lines.

That ain't no opinion.
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 04 Jun 2013 01:22

The difference for either shot is the release of the button how is it not an opinion?
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Re: World Tour: 80% Powersettings

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Tue, 04 Jun 2013 02:33

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:Drop shots, lobs, short slices, are apart of the game too...but not used every point. And as far as Power vs.'s no different to exploit power than exploit control. Everyone talks about 100 power or 98 power 98 serve, whatever, but it's the same thing...power ruled the tour before now players have since learned to exploit using control shots...just someone found another cheap way to win a match exploiting the game. It's no different than WT.

Well, you see Federer playing dropshot all the time?
Or Nadal doing lobs every rally?

So power playing is cheap way to win. Control shot is cheap way to win.
What's left then? I don't understand what are you looking for in TS4. The game is the same (except for a patch) since its releasing.

So, knowing that...what is your purpose?
Yes, people use power settings.
Yes, people use control shots.
For a long time before this topic.

What is your point? What do you want to say, that is not been said before?
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