Because i think the game has changed:
- Cross Passing Shots are now unbelievable good
- Power Slice Shots are faster than a Flat
- Approached Shots are hell
- a few new Shots have come into the game
- approach drop shots (!!!!)
- approach slice powershots
- approach cross passing shots
- slow players (with speed 40) runs like Usain Bolt
- Stamina does not effect any more (i don´t see a difference of a full stamina or low stamina line)
- Topspin Shots are perfect Passing Shots
- If first volley is not perfect, is it unbelievable hard to win the point in every situation
- Lobs are easier to play. You can play it from every position with error quote from under 10%
- perfect timed shots goes out
- players with 40 volley skill can play very good brutal volleys and volleys stops
- it´s nearly imppossible to game to the net from a baseline duell, because the shots are to fast and the passing shots to accurate
Or i am aged over night???