What happened with Topspin 4???

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What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby Daxter1975 » Fri, 07 Dec 2012 21:47

I despair against the most WT Players since a few Weeks.


Because i think the game has changed:

- Cross Passing Shots are now unbelievable good
- Power Slice Shots are faster than a Flat
- Approached Shots are hell
- a few new Shots have come into the game
- approach drop shots (!!!!)
- approach slice powershots
- approach cross passing shots
- slow players (with speed 40) runs like Usain Bolt
- Stamina does not effect any more (i don´t see a difference of a full stamina or low stamina line)
- Topspin Shots are perfect Passing Shots
- If first volley is not perfect, is it unbelievable hard to win the point in every situation
- Lobs are easier to play. You can play it from every position with error quote from under 10%
- perfect timed shots goes out
- players with 40 volley skill can play very good brutal volleys and volleys stops
- it´s nearly imppossible to game to the net from a baseline duell, because the shots are to fast and the passing shots to accurate

Or i am aged over night??? :shock:
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby SlicerITST » Fri, 07 Dec 2012 22:11

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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby C4iLL » Thu, 13 Dec 2012 20:27

Why don't you play Tennis Elbow ? You will not have that kind of problems anymore.
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby Furicle » Sat, 22 Dec 2012 13:58

Daxter1975 wrote:- a few new Shots have come into the game
- approach drop shots (!!!!)
- approach slice powershots
- approach cross passing shots
- Stamina does not effect any more (i don´t see a difference of a full stamina or low stamina line)
- Topspin Shots are perfect Passing Shots
- Lobs are easier to play. You can play it from every position with error quote from under 10%
- players with 40 volley skill can play very good brutal volleys and volleys stops

- I've done lot of approach drop shots since the start. These approach shots aren't new to me (just that no-one think of those shots).
- I'm sure of the contrary but it might be psychological.
- As always, no ?
- Easier ? I thought everyone agreed that they're easier since the last patch ?
- I remember an online game when I've played very good brutal volleys with Neuwirth (39 volley). And I remember facing an OBL opponent who have played some better volleys than me (thought I controlled a S&V player). (May I point out that those very good volleys were made after a very good serve ?)
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby Corbon » Sat, 22 Dec 2012 23:31

C4iLL wrote:Why don't you play Tennis Elbow ? You will not have that kind of problems anymore.

You'll have to deal with crappy animation and timing though.
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby Cro Morgan » Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:42

Corbon wrote:
C4iLL wrote:Why don't you play Tennis Elbow ? You will not have that kind of problems anymore.

You'll have to deal with crappy animation and timing though.

Love the basic animations of TS4, but the stroke/serve animations of TE are pure genius. TS4 could learn a lot, for sure.
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby C4iLL » Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:37

The animations with the ITST mod are far better and realistic that what you find in TS4. Try Federer or Gasquet in TE, it's a real pleasure to hit BH with them :)
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby Corbon » Wed, 26 Dec 2012 18:50

Less animation frames, clunkier sprites and whenever you hit the ball it looks like the character hits the ball with everything but the racquet. Also the way the ball flies around the court reminds me of Virtua Tennis.

The best thing about Tennis Elbow is the ability to customize the hell out of it but that is true for every PC game.
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby manutoo » Mon, 31 Dec 2012 05:25

Corbon wrote:Less animation frames, clunkier sprites and whenever you hit the ball it looks like the character hits the ball with everything but the racquet. Also the way the ball flies around the court reminds me of Virtua Tennis.

Really sounds like you're talking about TE2006, not TE2011... :??
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Re: What happened with Topspin 4???

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Wed, 02 Jan 2013 01:20

Daxter1975 wrote:I despair against the most WT Players since a few Weeks.


Because i think the game has changed:

- Cross Passing Shots are now unbelievable good
- Power Slice Shots are faster than a Flat
- Approached Shots are hell
- a few new Shots have come into the game
- approach drop shots (!!!!)
- approach slice powershots
- approach cross passing shots
- slow players (with speed 40) runs like Usain Bolt
- Stamina does not effect any more (i don´t see a difference of a full stamina or low stamina line)
- Topspin Shots are perfect Passing Shots
- If first volley is not perfect, is it unbelievable hard to win the point in every situation
- Lobs are easier to play. You can play it from every position with error quote from under 10%
- perfect timed shots goes out
- players with 40 volley skill can play very good brutal volleys and volleys stops
- it´s nearly imppossible to game to the net from a baseline duell, because the shots are to fast and the passing shots to accurate

Or i am aged over night??? :shock:

Everything you said has either been the case for a while

"Cross Passing Shots are now unbelievable good"

or not true at all

"Power Slice Shots are faster than a Flat"

And on the animation debate tennis elbow does win on swing/serve animation, but is completely destroyed by topspin 4 on player movement and ball racket contact realness.
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