Auto-positioning ruins the game

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Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby tnypxl » Mon, 19 Nov 2012 03:04

I've been playing this game long enough to know the difference between a player who plays with auto-positioning ("AP" for short), the kind popularized by BrushedBigJJ, and ones that don't.

Good players who play without AP play smart and the rallies actually make sense. Strategies are more apparent. None of their shots are BS and losing to them isn't the result of a blow-out.

AP was patched out for a reason. Now every player above grade 15 seems to be using it. For example, a control shot to far right baseline corner should not be reachable from the opposite. It's incredibly upsetting when I see a player magically power-sprints like superman to the other side for a return. Worse? They're able to hit ridiculous shots out of my reach. Because I refuse to use cheesy game exploits, it's a winner.

Another example. Same kind of shot, player in the middle of the court this time. He runs the opposite way, but does he miss? Nope. AP not only makes up for loss ground, it again gives him super speed. I see it often on players with low speed and reflex ratings, 55 and lower.

Anyone else share my frustration?
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Re: Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby C4iLL » Sun, 25 Nov 2012 01:57

Play Tennis Elbow, you won't have that kind of frustration anymore : it's the paradise of REAL tennis there ;)
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Re: Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby tnypxl » Fri, 30 Nov 2012 01:59

At this point, I'm about ready to. :)
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Re: Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby C4iLL » Sat, 01 Dec 2012 10:57

Fact is there's no auto-positioning in the way the ITST tennis elbow tour is played. There are no tricks to run faster or crazy things like that. It's then extremely realistic and all about tactical skill & risk management (do you go for the line or play percentage tennis ? do you try to approach the net after 20 shots, even if you have 0 in stamina and it's risky or just wait for a fault from your opponent ? :p)
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Re: Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Sun, 02 Dec 2012 04:56

C4iLL wrote:Fact is there's no auto-positioning in the way the ITST tennis elbow tour is played. There are no tricks to run faster or crazy things like that. It's then extremely realistic and all about tactical skill & risk management (do you go for the line or play percentage tennis ? do you try to approach the net after 20 shots, even if you have 0 in stamina and it's risky or just wait for a fault from your opponent ? :p)

:lol: You just described top spin 3 c4ill :)

But unless I read wrong itst hasn't mandated 0 auto-position in tennis elbow. I believe it is set to slow. But even at its highest no game can keep up with topspin 4's ridiculous. But the fact is top spin 3 has less auto position and less auto everything when compared to tennis elbow.
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Re: Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby C4iLL » Mon, 03 Dec 2012 22:53

Maybe but the physic of the ball sux in comparaison. And the players were too heavy to control as well
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Re: Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Thu, 06 Dec 2012 21:33

I didn't see any ball physics problems in topspin 3 except maybe the slice. But the main thing is you could hit any shot you want. The main difference between ts3/ts4 and tennis elbow is that you never get locked in place in te. Ts 4 is the worst because it locks ur player in place constantly and no matter which direction you press he/she won't move. Tennis elbow is the other extreme, you seem to be able to move anywhere anytime as long as you don't have the button pressed. So there is really no such thing as being "off balance" in te.

If I remember right ts 3 did a lot less locking in place than ts 4 but there was such a thing as being off balance and you couldn't quickly move anywhere after being off balance which is more realistic.
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Re: Auto-positioning ruins the game

Postby tnypxl » Fri, 25 Jan 2013 01:20

BrushedBigJJ wrote:I didn't see any ball physics problems in topspin 3 except maybe the slice. But the main thing is you could hit any shot you want. The main difference between ts3/ts4 and tennis elbow is that you never get locked in place in te. Ts 4 is the worst because it locks ur player in place constantly and no matter which direction you press he/she won't move. Tennis elbow is the other extreme, you seem to be able to move anywhere anytime as long as you don't have the button pressed. So there is really no such thing as being "off balance" in te.

If I remember right ts 3 did a lot less locking in place than ts 4 but there was such a thing as being off balance and you couldn't quickly move anywhere after being off balance which is more realistic.

Hopefully if there is a TS5, they should remove auto-position entirely. Smart players should win. Not silly exploits of a weak character movement system.
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