Oh yes, it's me. My first post in a loong while. During this time, I have had a break from TE while waiting for the 1.09 or 1.10 patch. In this time I've been playing some Topspin
I just want to post an idea I got after losing a match using a different coach than I usually do. It could be fun to have a tournament based on this idea. Maybe during the christmas-holidays or something.
Or even better, have a World's Best Player Tour based on the idea
Long story short, here goes:
You can only use a coach once every four rounds. (So if you use one coach in your first round, you have to wait until the 5th round to use it again. IE, R32=Rabari, R16=Neuwirth, QF=Gallo, SF=Grody, F=Rabari.)
The way to control it is quite easy. Each player reports the other players' coach after they're match.
The fun thing I can imagine is the strategic choices to be made. Trying to figure out or guess what coach your opponent will be using based on his previous round or rounds(or even tournaments
). Deciding
when to use your best coach, when to use your worst. Then comes the need of high versatility to compete with all the four different coaches you will be using during a tournament.
Shout your opinion.