Why is HF allowed on ITST?

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Why is HF allowed on ITST?

Postby Daxter1975 » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 16:22

Monster Defense and Smell of Blood are not allowed.
But i think Highly Flammable is much stronger than these 2 Skills.
It improved the game the same, but it holds the whole set after a player makes 4 points in row.

I played against wdob. I played Serve & Volley. So its hard to make point an opponent serve. In the first games i can play nearly the same level. i breaked him. but after he make 4 points in row, i had no (!) chance. perfect returns, perfect baseline and passingshots. this is competitive distortion i think. and this with 2 81wings and 78 power....

So, i ask... why is that skill allowed, when MD and SoB aren´t...????
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Postby BrushedBigJJ » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 16:57

Well from what I've seen is that highly flammable turns off if you can win a point after it's turned on. I've never experienced it lasting the whole set. If it does indeed last the whole set (which I've never seen) then u are right and it probably should be banned. MD takes no skill to turn on, just lose a lot of points and get behind in the score. SoB gives you a huge advantage in the most critical points in tennis when they come up. HF at least makes you have to do something difficult to get it to turn on, and if it turns off after the opponent wins a point then it's no big deal, but if it does last a whole set then it is overpowered in my opinion.
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Postby Daxter1975 » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 17:33

I think it doesn´t end if you loose a point. Because the shots are stronger the next games.

I don´t know, but end´s MD when you win a Point and equal the score on points? or end´s it, when you equal the games?
My XBox Gamertag: Daxter1975
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Postby wdob1985 » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 18:47

The coach speciality is

Improved baseline play
Improved clutch performance

I played the better tennis 99% of your serves went outwide so all I had to do was get the ball short and back In play.of course I'm going to win the baseline points my skills are better.

Highly flammable does not work the whole set I just played the better tennis next time we play I'll use a different player and will see.

Look at our head to head record shows I'm the better player
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Postby Daxter1975 » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 19:06

I know that you was better than me. No question.
But the shots of you from beginn of the set and after the 4 points was improved i mean.
After that i had really no chance to play from baseline and you passing shots was brilliant. and that the whole set.
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Postby wdob1985 » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 19:14

That's not because of highly flammable thsts because 81 fh 81 is what lets me make those shots and I've used this coach all year so I know how to play with the coach.no extra boost because of the skill
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Postby Fifa Tee » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 19:43

Daxter it only lasts as long as you remain on the streak after the 4 points won. If you lose a point whilst highly flammable, you are returned to normal until you win another 4 points.
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Postby BrushedBigJJ » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 19:46

I just finished playing wdob in a practice set. One time in the set he won 4 in a row. During the next point he did hit slightly better than usual, I ended up winning that point. After that he returned to normal. However the boost he got was no where near the boost you get from MD. Also daxter, wdob and I are even players. Only one time in the set could he win 4 points in a row against me and I did it only once against him. If someone can constantly win 4 points in a row against you, you never had a chance anyway.
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Postby Daxter1975 » Thu, 30 Aug 2012 09:08

BrushedBigJJ wrote:If someone can constantly win 4 points in a row against you, you never had a chance anyway.

Thats wrong. When you play Serve and Volley, its sooo different between your Service Games and the Return Games. 4 Points in a Row is often not a Problem for my Opponents, and at the end i win 7:6. :wink:
It´s so unbalanced, that it´s really hard to break, because you had no wings, no speed, no power and no stamina.
My XBox Gamertag: Daxter1975
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