Corrupting the tour with control shots.

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Corrupting the tour with control shots.

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 21 Aug 2012 13:23

Okay I've noticed an undying trend of the over-usage of control shots in several matches. This being a "SIM" tennis site and organization, seems to me that just like lobs, or dropshots, tramline serving, etc. this should also be minimized in matches. Other than them being extremely annoying, they aren't at all realistic. Some will argue that they're a part of the game...ok so is Monster Defense but we aren't allowed to exploit that why should we be allowed to exploit the unrealistic OVER-usage of these shots. Not only newcomers but top players now, have begun to master this shot...and I'm not talking one or two during a rally but EVERY shot. Already speed is a non-factor so if give someone a decent number on both wings with little to no speed, sit back and watch these shots fly. It's utterly ridiculous. I was not too long ago accused of using too many drop volleys and drop shots during a match. Immediately I was contacted by how do we moderate one shot but not another...dare I say it, but C4ill had a point in SEVERAL threads...exploiting ONE shot over and over is not only redundant but unrealistic. Everybody uses them to get back into a point or throw your opponent off balance but using them over and over? Come on.
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Postby jayb1988 » Tue, 21 Aug 2012 13:56

I get where you're coming from but the top spin shot is probably the most common in the sport so would be quite hard to enforce minimal usage, otherwise where would it end, no flat shots or slices? They are all basic shots that are part of the game, if someones mastered their usage then maybe you have to think, fair enough. If someone wants to use the same shot over and over there are probably ways to exploit that also so it might not necessarily be to their advantage.

The one thing that annoys me on the tour at the moment, and has done for a long time is the incredibly slow/wide serves on crucial points, when your opponent knows that you are a good returner, which completely nullifies that ability and doesn't feel fair. I seriously think if a player is capable of serving fast they should have to do a proper first serve, then for a second serve you can be as cautious as you like. I think I'm the only player on the tour that seems to do a traditional fast first serve and slow second serve, it makes things much more realistic but managers on ITST seem to turn a blind eye to slow serving abuse, its never been clarified whether this is allowed or not.
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Postby R1CKY STEAMB0AT » Tue, 21 Aug 2012 19:10

To people that whine about lobs, dropshots, serves, and now funniest of all, control shots; it is up to YOU to beat what is in front of you. If you lose, you lost because your opponents tactics were solid, and you couldn't overcome them. I may not like some peoples tactics, but I won't complain, because its up to me alone to win a match... ; )
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Postby Agassi_Return » Tue, 21 Aug 2012 20:28

Hitting perfect control shots all the time still require more skill compare to power/serve 90 and one trick tactics by serving and finishing with the second shot. Without control shots you would be overpowered by all the power settings....due to the last patch update.
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 21 Aug 2012 20:58

Problem is not control shots, but rather flat control shots. Especially the ones that go short cross. Generally flat controls are over powered. They have too much "pop". These supposed to be very safe shots that are more precise, but scientifically less powerful and punishing. The counter skill supposed to replicate the incoming pace, but all other control shots should not be easily possible from defensive position. That is the key. If you in control of the rally and have your opponent on the run, then yes, control shots should be precise , all other times they should result in outs, after all, you are attempting a precise shot, near the line, when out of position - if this is not a cause for an out - then I don't know what is.

@BluudyEEfingaz - main reason why we are unable to do anything about it is because we simply cannot control the situation. There is no clear cut way of knowing when your opponents hits a control shot and when he is not. It is rather clear when power is in orange and red, but for yellow and grey power, it is VERY unclear. I am not even talking about all the shots in between the two extremes of "control" and "power", like "normal" shots.

@jayb1988 - Zero powered serves are considered cheesy. You should report it to your host EVERY TIME. In order to deal with anything cheesy, we need to establish a trend of behavior. Every complaint will be filed under players name (visible to hosts and managers only) and once we see a repeat behavior, we will warn the player, then suspend him if the behavior continues. Keep in mind, sometimes these serves happen by error, by skipping replays, failing to connect on a stick serve. So when reporting to host, please mention the frequency with which it happen and the score line when it happen.

@R1CKY STEAMB0AT - you are not wrong in your way of thinking, but keep in mind, here at ITST, we look at things slightly different. You may not like it, and it is your right. But since you did join us, I suggest you take the time to learn about our ways ;) Welcome to the site BTW!

@Agassi_Return - Hitting effective control shots does require skill, when you have your wings unbalanced, or have them in yellow, or rather low. Anything in high yellows and up - it is MUCH easier to time and make an effective shot with control than with powerful shots, at least for me.
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Postby Airton111 » Tue, 21 Aug 2012 22:06

I ve played a match against a player and he serves every time 160-170 km/h and super-colocated to The line. And was very frustrating to me because was very dificult to win a point when he serves.. And I began to do lobs when he was at The net.. At The end we play a tiebreak and I was 6-3 but he was crying so I let him win The match 8-6. I hope The next time I play against him he does a fair serve. Thanks
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Postby Tamthewasp » Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:14

R1CKY STEAMB0AT wrote:To people that whine about lobs, dropshots, serves, and now funniest of all, control shots; it is up to YOU to beat what is in front of you. If you lose, you lost because your opponents tactics were solid, and you couldn't overcome them. I may not like some peoples tactics, but I won't complain, because its up to me alone to win a match... ; )

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Postby DRII » Wed, 22 Aug 2012 01:50

The reason why any particular shot (especially the control shots IMO) in TS4 can't be properly countered is the horrible movement/mechanics of this game!
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Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:01

I understand that it's harder to regulate the usage of these shots...and I don't have a problem countering these shots...MUCH...the problem is having 42 to 70 shot rallies every other game...but far as whining and complaining...this is a forum...which ALL topics are up for discussion. So no one feels their concerns or opinions are less than any one else's here.
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Postby Fifa Tee » Thu, 23 Aug 2012 00:22

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:I understand that it's harder to regulate the usage of these shots...and I don't have a problem countering these shots...MUCH...the problem is having 42 to 70 shot rallies every other game...but far as whining and complaining...this is a forum...which ALL topics are up for discussion. So no one feels their concerns or opinions are less than any one else's here.


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Postby SupremeLoren » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:28

People dont like control shots, but do someone have a S&V configuration?
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Postby SupremeLoren » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:57

I know the reason that Bludy has oppened this post. Bludy dont like people who plays defensive because is the style which can beat her, To her serve and volley is not a problem because she do jabs, jabs and more jabs all the match.

I dont know why cant i do 100 dropshots if i play against extremely defensive players who play near the judges and if i play in the net my opponent can do jabs, jabs and more jabs all the match.
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Postby LeapedCastle04 » Sat, 29 Sep 2012 18:27

SupremeLoren wrote:I know the reason that Bludy has oppened this post. Bludy dont like people who plays defensive because is the style which can beat her, To her serve and volley is not a problem because she do jabs, jabs and more jabs all the match.

I dont know why cant i do 100 dropshots if i play against extremely defensive players who play near the judges and if i play in the net my opponent can do jabs, jabs and more jabs all the match.

I hate it when they play with their backs firmly pressed against the backboards, tripping over the line judges and moonballing everything back. And if you dare hit 3 dropshots in a set they get angry calling you a cheat. This tactic is mostly used by Welch, Samala and Slavina setups.

Gallo players do it too but they do it to have more time to charge up their power shots and make up for lack of speed. On the WT i haven't met a Gallo who doesn't play far behind the baseline. If you hit a dropshot they're beter of taking the bus to the net.....
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Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Tue, 02 Oct 2012 17:57

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:I understand that it's harder to regulate the usage of these shots...and I don't have a problem countering these shots...MUCH...the problem is having 42 to 70 shot rallies every other game...but far as whining and complaining...this is a forum...which ALL topics are up for discussion. So no one feels their concerns or opinions are less than any one else's here.

In my opinion you're wrong when you say speed is a non-factor. Of course it is! Expecially when your play is mostly based on control shots.
Just today I met a player with 1-2-17 and Slavina as coach, 89fh 69bh and 92speed (!). Really good guy, no discussions, but it was impossible for me to face him.

I decided to use a Gallo player with 1-17-2. After this match I realized that power player has little little chances to be succesful in ITST tour, expecially when the maximum power you can get is 89, that is ridicolous compared with players with 75 or more speed.
In fact, I lost 60 62, cause I used a power player.

But the point is that I probably would have lost (is it right? sorry for my english) even with a more balanced player with Rabari or Neuwirth as coach.
In WT, if a user is good using baseline defenders, even less speed than 82 is more than sufficient to manage a 100 power player as good as him.
In WT I'm able to face and handle these kind of players with a 100 power player, but in ITST it's completely another story.

Control shots make the difference, no doubt about it, but also speed is a factor. And speed always wins against power in ITST.
In my opinion, of course.
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