So right now in ITST the hot topic seems 2 be (SCCCS) Short cross court control shots. It used 2 babb then it was Welsh and 2 be fair I had an aweful lot 2 say about Welsh, wich means I also put myself into the category I'm about 2 discuss.
Short Flat/topspin control shots are part of this game, deal with it. There will be players who adopt this style as their main attack. Using the Short cross as much as they can. If you don't like it then tough luck, it's a fair tactic. SnV is also not very realistic( barely any pro uses it) .
I personally think hitting cross courts evry chance you get is pushing the boundries of fairness but hey this is a competition and as long as you don't break the rules then thats OK.
There is so many people out there that want 2 make TS4 a game just for them and they way they want 2 play. The simple fact is this Find your opponents weakness and attack. Rinse and repeat if you have 2. I want 2 win evry game I play (except freindly matches) I will use short Flat crosses.