First, I hope everyone understand my english and also that maybe I can recive some answers oder suggestions. Thx in advance for that.
Ok, I am an average player, told to myself, at my 700th win in the world tour, to stopp playing the WT and enjoy ITST. Thx to Ali, he told me about ITST.
700 win and 101 losses, but exactly 57 times because of the connection or that I couldn't find an opponent and so I had to disconnect the psn from the net. And most of the times lost vs. 98/98 / 91/100 power players, with this overpowered combo very hard to play. And then many players with this innatural tennis style, tramlines or abuse dropballs. But okay, they just wanna win. And also to meet this incredible player Losc12.... was everytime superhard.
I like just tennis and of course I am big fan of our hero here ins Switzerland Roger. I play table tennis, was also in clubs in younger years. Now just for fun. In my mobile phone I have many tennis and tabletennis games. My wife sometimes said to me, I should delete tehm all, play to much... haha
So, sorry for that long intro.
My problem is, that I can't hold the focus in longer games. How can you be so concentrate the whole time? Saw matches on youtube played by Showcase, 100 hits with 99x perfect timing... impressive!!
Maybe some ITST member can give not just me, but also other members some suggestions?
Thx also to Liviolini, he teaches me a lot with very usefull tips.
And Dennie, one time I will win a games vs. you. That's a promise. =o)
Greetings from the beautiful Lucerne here in Switzerland.