Returning Serves

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Returning Serves

Postby Fifa Tee » Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:17

My return is the weakest aspect of my game, could anyone offer me some advice on how to improve returning serves?

For example, where to stand on returns? Whether control or normal shot returns? How you differ your flat returns to topspin returns, as my slice return is fine?

Really all I want to do is return well with flat and topspin shots, so advice will be appreciated!
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Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:23

Just press the buttons at the right time.
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Postby djarvik » Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:27

I disagree, I believe you need to release the button at the right time. I could be wrong though.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:42

Yes keep holding the button and release it when it touches the ground..
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Postby Tamthewasp » Tue, 20 Mar 2012 20:18

Yh but control returns are better if executed well.
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Postby DennieFR1908 » Tue, 20 Mar 2012 20:43

Topspin and slice are easy returns, just release your button when it touches the ground and steer to the corner.. Flat return is harder and most effective on a hard serve as a counter.. you have to steer in in the exact right time with feeling just practice it and you'll get the feeling for it. I think power shot returns are alot more effective cuz it's just hard to time control shot returns (havn't really tried it out alot though) but this is how I do it.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 20 Mar 2012 21:10

Flat returns are effective against welch. I know serve is slow but if your timings are good and you manage to keep your player at the same spot while returning rather than moving forward then flat returns will be hard for a welch guy to counter it with a short cross court.
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Postby C4iLL » Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:04

Is this topic a joke ? Your returns are the best I know with Bill :roll:
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:21

Nahhh...look at his results, he certainly struggles to break. You guys need to help the poor fella.
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Postby Fifa Tee » Wed, 21 Mar 2012 15:16

C4iLL wrote:Is this topic a joke ? Your returns are the best I know with Bill :roll:

My return is nowhere near as good as his, his return allows him to get an advantage in any point due to its depth and the way it consistently puts the opponent on the back foot. I want to be able to return in this way.

My return is just one that allows me to get into a rally on the back foot, which is not what I want, i want to be able to get on the front foot off of my opponents serve. I feel that once a rally develops, I have no reason to lose it as i am confident at the baseline. But i don't like having to work my way into points off of a return :(

Also, thanks for the advice people :)
Xbox 360 ID - The Almighty Ox

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Re: Returning Serves

Postby Gotenkssan » Wed, 21 Mar 2012 16:52

Fifa Tee wrote:My return is the weakest aspect of my game...

:wink: its good that the level of your game is not too low.....

I don't believe that anyone can help you...
If i remember all my opponents i ever played at TS4, you have one of the best returns...That's whining on a high level 8)

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Postby Biscaia_ » Sat, 24 Mar 2012 21:06


I am new at the ITST, but I hope to climb on the rankings pretty soon. Still, I am a bit disappointed by how slow the tournaments roll...

Anyway, I think I can help you with this return serve thing. I think I cannot help you with the timing, since nothing we can say will help you improve on that! Keep practising!

Question is: Where should you put the ball and which type of shot to use.

From what I have noticed (I am a defensive baseliner, not sure about you...), returning with flat shots does not help. The shot goes pretty much weak and not to deep, everything you wouldn't want to occur. Of course if you want return aces this is the shot, but it is not worth the while.

Ideally, if the opponent serves to the T, you should return the serve to its opposite corner using a topspin shot, since after ending in the shot you will be "landing" on the center of the court, protected from his next strike. That can put him into offering you a winner on his next shot.

If he serves to the other side, you should return the ball to his feet using either a top spin or a slice shot. If you are aiming to his weaker hand (either fore or back), use top spin, leaving the opponent with less time to do the killing inside in/out. If not, use the slice! It will earn you more time!

Why not serve to the opposite side of him? Classic mistake! You will leave the court open for him to cross the ball, putting you in a awful position. Crossing the ball in TS4 (and in real-tennis) is more dangerous to defend then defending a parallel shot!

A problem is, most of the times, you can't predict if your opponent is serving to the T or not. Then, stop and watch him for a bit and alternate the return like he does. For instance, if he serves to the T 25% of time, also you should seek to return to the opposite side 25% of time... Do some mind-reading there ;)

For serve and volley guys... Well, that's another topic :D

Another question you had.... I use normal shots, but only because I find it better to get my timing right!

What is your PSN, fifa tee? ;)
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Postby Fifa Tee » Sat, 24 Mar 2012 23:56

Biscaia_ wrote:What is your PSN, fifa tee? ;)

Thanks for the returning tips, those seem very helpful!

My psn is Fifa-Tee (But i dont play ps3, i play xbox)
Xbox 360 ID - The Almighty Ox

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Postby Corbon » Sun, 25 Mar 2012 19:00

What's your Reflex value? The higher the better the returns.
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Postby Fifa Tee » Sun, 25 Mar 2012 19:23

Corbon wrote:What's your Reflex value? The higher the better the returns.

Varies as i change my player alot.

But Iluvbillval used a 49reflexes player and hit the best returns ive ever seen soo yeah
Xbox 360 ID - The Almighty Ox

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