Some of you may be already aware of it, some of you may not. This is an official announcement of SIM tour. It is “coming”, in fact, it’s already “here”. We will be launching the tour Monday September 5th and a sign-up for a first Warm-up Tournament will be open by the end of this weekend.
Some of the veterans will recognize the format instantly, but they should still read this post. There are some important changes and additions as well as new features. For he new members that are not aware of how SIM tour worked for Top Spin 3 – read carefully.
The Plot:
Following a giant success of TS3 SIM tour, ITST is bringing back the format of predetermined and balanced roster that will be used to compete in tournaments. You may change the appearance of your player among other things, but you must create and use the exact stats that will be outlined in a roster PDF. Instruction on how to create each setup will be provided as well. There will be short strategy guides for players as well.
The Roster:
The roster will consist of 12 players that are carefully balanced by ITST staff and tested in depth by select ITST testers representing all the styles. A 4 different styles with enough variation to make players distinct and allow for different strategies to develop. The roster will slowly grow to a total of 21 players. All the players in roster are subject to change. We will constantly monitor the balance in our SIM roster to assure maximum variety on the tour.
The Rules:
- All cheese from regular tour applies
- SIM-Cheese includes 0-power serves and FH power slices and may expand
- Players are to move all the way to the middle when serving beginning of each set (including first)
- The first initial and last name of your character must be exactly as shown.
- The height and weight of your created character is not restricted
- The forehand and backhand numbers are not interchangeable
- There are no restrictions with regard to the stroke and serve animation
- Your created character may be left-handed or right-handed.
New Features:
SIM players will now be locked to a tournament. At the time of the sign-up you will pick the player you would like to use for that tournament and you would have to stick with him all the way through. You can pick a different player when signing up for another tournament. The players then will be shown in the draw.
NEW! Change SIM Player (added 9-3-2011)
Change SIM Player. You are now able to change your SIM player before the draw is out. On the tournament page in the right upper corner (where the host of the tournament is listed) you can find a link to do so. Once the draw is created you can no longer switch a player.
SIM tour is not for everyone. It is very restrictive and is meant to be “different” from regular tour as well as to attempt to get as close as game allows to the feeling of real tennis.
ITST SIM Players for TS4 ... php?f=1044