PROs vs created characters

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PROs vs created characters

Postby ray237 » Sun, 03 Jul 2011 23:17

I'm playing alot the 2k Open, because the WT is unbalanced and I haven't got the time to play the tournaments hosted here.
Today, after a week playing only in 2k open, i tried a WT match, and i noticed a certain difference between pros and created char (in addition to stats and skills of course).
For example, i think that the created ones can easily put the ball very close to the line and that they can hide very well the direction of the stroke. The results: a lot of stupid control shot winners (i love control shots, but i think they can rarely be winners. Instead, they can be very useful to build up a good point and close it with a volley or a powerful stroke).
While playing 2k open matches, i haven't noticed that, even playing against good baseliner like agassi or nadal.
I also find created chars a bit worse in reflexes (i'm playing a hybrid/s&v char, so i've got a good stat in reflexes).
Conclusion: according to me, the pros are better balanced than the created chars.
Can it be an issue due to the fact the latter are more customisable, so it can be also a question of gameplay, and not only of stats?
Actually, I think a created char can easily beat a pro one in a 1vs1 online match.
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Joined: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 18:03

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