Petition for Buy-Back Program

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Petition for Buy-Back Program

Postby Imatk » Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:17

Since there are some of us who simply don't want to play this game anymore after the patch, and since 2k obviously is not going to change anything back, I have started a petition for a buy-back program for all of the customers who feel they have been short-changed by this "update."

I started it on the 2k forums here:

We can also start one here if you like... either way I want 2k to know there are those of us who have voices and should be heard as a group.

I understand most here like the patch because you guys play competitively online but for many of us the game has completely changed into a frustrating and boring version of what WAS an enjoyable game.

I'm going to copy and paste the petition here as well... so if you feel the same as many of us do please sign it.

Thank You


Since 2k Sports has fundamentally changed Top Spin 4 with their latest patch. (Which shouldn't be called a patch it should be called a complete overhaul and reprogramming of the game dynamics)

I would formally like to start a petition to implement a "Buy-Back" program for all of the customers who have asked you to change back this ridiculous patch and whose requests have fallen on deaf ears.

I paid $60 for this game two months ago and I loved it up until two weeks ago.

If the game as it is NOW, post-patch, was reflected in the demo I would NEVER have bought this game.

This, to me, is bordering on false advertisement.

You gave us one game and then switched it 180 degrees to another game.

If the boring gameplay and ridiculous difficulty was present on your demo I suspect you would have half the customer base for this title that you have now.

So I am the first on this list of people to petition for a refund. I hope anyone else who feels the same will reply to this thread and add their name and forum ID to let 2k know how badly we want a solution to this.

Please give us instructions for where to send the game and how we get our money back.


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Postby crossers » Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:27

I agree i just removed all the patches and the game is alot better, too many people whining about everything has ruined what used to be the best tennis game to date to this hot mess what we have now.after my xbox live runs out this month i shall remove the patches again,just try it people the game is the best at how was released now it's trash IMO 50 odd rallies lol
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Postby djarvik » Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:27

No you dont want to start it here, trust me.
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Postby SlicerITST » Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:30

I suggest you try a more positive approach to the situation and mention what you think should be changed in the balance update thread. That will accomplish a lot more then such actions.
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