A stat that would help for TS5 - Consistency

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A stat that would help for TS5 - Consistency

Postby dsavbeast012 » Wed, 01 Jun 2011 16:10

There should be some sort of consistency stat that would help differentiate between the offensive baseliners and defensive baseliners. This would have helped with low UEs numbers for TS4 and could be a good addition for TS5. Basically guys w/ high power stats like offensive baseliners would have lower consistency, which would lead to more UEs. Defensive baseliners would have high consistency numbers.

This would solve what we are seeing now with guys putting everything into OB without having much of a penalty, and truly emulate what you see in real life where high power guys are usually less consistent off the ground and have more UEs.
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Postby Chederer » Wed, 01 Jun 2011 16:16

i think a good stat that might could be changed with a patch is stamina...the stamina is almost pointless in this game....if the game could punish the players who use nothing but power shots everytime towards the end they wouldnt have anything left...cmon 2K mess with the stamina and make it a pivotal part of the game

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