Hey guys, as long as you talk about tennis - you are never off topic on ITST

Continue, by all means.
JJ, no disrespect, offense, or anything like that, but I agree with tenjintenkai. In fact, I would even write it the same way

...or even harsher. And I think it is great for you, for any player. I don't believe into a "false encouragement" - if you second - you last! That's the only way forward man!
If only judging by video, you are a good few levels away from futures.
I used to play Club and Future level tournaments. While I was winning club level, I was mostly dispatched away early in futures. It is not even the "talent" issue, it is simply consistency, fitness and technique. I could clearly hit a bigger FH and serve better then my competition, but I would lose anyhow most times.
I agree with you JJ that when a hitting partner is crap, you tend to play to his level and be a bit lazy. BUT, you have a few flaws in your technique and foot work that have nothing to do with laziness. Tiny problems that essentially will prevent you from "getting better" no matter how much you practice. These are not "huge problems", rather small little tiny things that should be addressed if you want to move forward.
All that said, I actually like your FH. I would love to see a shorter version of it, and would love to see how you return a good serve from that side. I think the wind-up is a bit long yes, but you hit it rather clean, especially considering you are out of balance on more than a few of these. You seem to almost prefer the ball a bit higher, I wonder how you handle low bouncing balls?
I haven't seen your serve or return. These maybe more important than anything as you play at higher levels.
In any case, good luck and I am sure that with good training you can get to future level rather fast. You do have a nice looking game.
Level 13 Edberg and counting...