Developer Diary #3

Your forum to discuss the fourth generation of Top Spin.

Moderator: Senior Hosts

Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Mon, 14 Feb 2011 21:04

I knew TS2 risk was different from TS3 risk. What I was saying was I didn't like either one of them. I see your points and all, but there have been other games without risk that have functioned great and I prefer those games.

I personally would have to "learn" when to use risk. Since I don't do it, I'd have to practice to get good at it... improve my timing, etc. It takes skill to use it yes which I haven't mastered... and even if I did master it I'd be happy (better ITST ranking etc), but I don't think it would change my not liking it that much. But that's my opinion. I still think TS3 was a great game and the risking was another challenge I was willing to take on if TS4 wasn't being released so soon.
8) I <3 JC 8)
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