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Postby KillerDeep247 » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 00:33

I'm the same as Coolhand Texas, my guy has only 59 power with 70 serve and I find it much easier to receive serve. Most of my service games involve a lot of tactics and a clear game plan as I cant just hit through players with a single shot.
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Postby trulyinfemous » Thu, 07 Jul 2011 16:16

Same, it's easier to break serve.

I have the Passing Shot Sniper so serve and volley players don't do so well vs me, but I'm yet to play anyone elite.

The issue I have is that I may lose their service game on a deuce but because my power is 61 I can't dominate with my serve or blow people off court.

I may try my Safin in the next tournament because he's got 80 serve and power and I can beat people with him... I hope.
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