dsavbeast012 wrote:Well the fear of power taking over the tour seems to be happening. I played a guy tonight falzone 1st round of AEGON, 100 power, 91 FH 91 serve, 61 BH but not enough of a weakness due to UEs being absent in this game. 40 speed but of course he still can run down shots like Nadal b/c speed doesn't matter on this game, it just doesn't.
If that wasn't enough, he used exploits like the slow serve (slow serves being harder to return than fast ones http://www.intertopspintour.net/forum/v ... hp?t=14953) and the deep return that moves you back w/o you controlling your player http://www.intertopspintour.net/forum/v ... hp?t=14961. I used my Ivo clone b/c that's the only way to stand a chance against this type of player.
I guess 0/20/0 is the way to go, since speed and volley are worthless if you can just bash the ball on every shot. I lost 0-6, 3-6. It's not fun to play like this though, all power. Takes no thought, we might as well call this the WTAITST if we're gonna just be ball bashing. I only created my Ivo guy b/c my 'sim' character just won't cut it against all the guys w/ multiple stats above 90. I say max of one stat over 90 and max of one other stat +85, this would make the game a bit more sim, which is what I thought ITST was for.
I think there needs to be a change up in the rules.. how about we unban all coaches and just have limits on stats like max 80 FH/BH max power 85/90 etc.. You can even keep Pei banned (though I still feel its unnecessary with limits on stats) but just give more variety to people in making their characters.
Also imagine how much of a power fest we will get with grass next up.