"globally realistic" = not perfectly realistic in all the little sub-cases, but overall it's close enough of the real stuff.
at full speed, with a 185cm tall player with 75% speed skill, you need 0.51s & 205cm to stop to move ; with 100% speed, you need 0.53s & 230cm to stop. (ITST Mod players are around 70-85% speed skill)
The inertia applies in the same proportion for forward/backward & left/right.
djarvik wrote:- In a cross court rally, recover less to the middle that is ideal in real life. In TE running all the way across the baseline is easier then recovering from even a 2 step wrong-foot.
My guess is that
djarvik can feel the inertia well enough, maybe even overestimates it a bit...
(stopping to run before your opponent hits the ball is usually enough to not feel stuck in the mud)
Are you sure you tried the game ? If you did it a long time ago, maybe now would be a good time to give it another try...