Top Spin 4 Matches Run Way Too Long!

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Should ITST Shorten The Length of Top Spin 4 Matches?

Total votes : 32

Postby BalkanPower » Mon, 11 Apr 2011 14:49

Oscarzero wrote:The quickest method is just hold your serve and get a mini-break during tie-beak. That could end the match within 30 mins.

??? No it couldn't. We played 3 sets....PC won 6-7 7-5 7-6. We had two tie breaks and both were won with one mini break difference. The match still lasted more that an hour. We were playing 30 minutes before we even reached the FIRST tie break.
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Re: Top Spin 4 Matches Run Way Too Long!

Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Mon, 11 Apr 2011 16:05

PCFitnessDotNet wrote:God forbid you are forced to go 3 sets, these top spin 4 matches are way too long... something needs to change, it's stupid. Our match lasted well over 90 mins, ridiculous.

Instead of 2 out of 3, 6 6 we should play 2 out of 3, 3 3. I don't know about the rest of you, but I got shit to do.


i can understand you. 90 minutes is really long .
but i ´m totally against the idear to play a set with only 3 games .
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:49

PCFitnessDotNet wrote:lol ok listen, for me, a 90 minute match has nothing to do with concentration levels or anything else of the sorts, for me, it does have a lot to do with time management and being able to open up from what use to be a 30 to 40 min block of time for a match or less. now a 90 min match in top spin 4 is becoming common. don't get me wrong, i am all for the realism and the sim of online tennis, but in my life, besides being a gamer, at 43 i do have many other obligations that i need to attend to in my day and for me it's business 7 days a week. i know there will be some of you who can relate to this and some that cannot. my point is, if some of us know that some of these itst matches can and will run into the high double or even triple digits they might think twice about getting into it in the first place. just something to think about since one of our goals in itst is to build this community for everyone, not just the one's that have the time to do it.

I see your point of view. I guess 1 option would be that we could allow 3 game sets if both players agree. You might be able to talk your opponent into this for half of your grand slam matches.
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