TS4 Cheese Statement (Fair Play at the ITST)

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Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 14:38

Exactly! No one's complaining about using dropshots...the overuse of dropshots is the problem especially when I'm playing another power player that pushes me off the court then complains that I'm standing too far behind the baseline to cover shots...also dropshotting after serves or multiple dropshots in one single point. On the run dropshots. This is not real tennis. I have a Hingis character that I play with and I average two dropshots in a set. More dump volleys than dropshots every time.
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Postby I_Zooloo_I » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 15:52

i noticed many players use some short (power?) slice to drag me inside the court then long lift or flat these days.

is it a cheesy tactic or it s just me who dont like it?
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Postby Tuurbine » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 15:53

Sanoww wrote:
dsavbeast012 wrote: The only way to exploit low speed is by using drop shots

Don't think so, controlled cross angle top spins and most likely deep controlled flat shots are good solutions, and these options are waaay fairer than dropshotting all the time..

I agree Sannoww, good control shots cross court shots will be enough to create a good opening in the court and you can create a winner shot after that.

I really think that there are some problems with drop shots, considering i use WELCH as a coach. I barely use it, for example last night i had an itst match, we went to 3 sets, match lasted around 1.5 hours, i made 3 drop shots at the most and this was playing against an instant rocket guy.. i made more damage controlling the rally and creating angles.

Drop shots limit your ability to improvise and try new shots, get better at your timing or things like that, i think is an easy solution that will limit the developing of your skills, plus... exploiting it in a match is as cheesy as it can get.
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Postby Tuurbine » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 15:54

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:Exactly! No one's complaining about using dropshots...the overuse of dropshots is the problem especially when I'm playing another power player that pushes me off the court then complains that I'm standing too far behind the baseline to cover shots...also dropshotting after serves or multiple dropshots in one single point. On the run dropshots. This is not real tennis. I have a Hingis character that I play with and I average two dropshots in a set. More dump volleys than dropshots every time.

Hey Bluudy long time no see, always creating a new character, give yourself a break 8)
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Postby OuiMr BersonBANNED » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 16:30

I_Zooloo_I wrote:i noticed many players use some short (power?) slice to drag me inside the court then long lift or flat these days.

is it a cheesy tactic or it s just me who dont like it?

cheesy 100%
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Postby tonedawg1 » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 17:29

I_Zooloo_I wrote:i noticed many players use some short (power?) slice to drag me inside the court then long lift or flat these days.

is it a cheesy tactic or it s just me who dont like it?

yeah people do the short slice alot against me especially the new players :(
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Postby dsavbeast012 » Wed, 17 Aug 2011 23:59

RE: Overuse - I agree. Anyone who mindlessly uses droppers every point is a loser. But TBH it's a necessary evil now since speed doesn't matter and people w/ low speed can still hang in 40-50 shot rallies and retrieve everything like 2011 Djokovic and have power like god mode Safin. :)

My thing is now that this game is what it is, off balanced since speed doesn't matter enough. And the really really good players (which most of ITST is) are just not going to make errors that often, so it's either play 40 shot rallies w/ shots that guys under 60 speed shouldn't be getting to or go to the drop shot to try to exploit low speed.

Control shots is a good strategy, but most people online in general don't use control shots, so of course they don't notice that as a legit tactic to exploit low speed. Hence the drop shot invasion.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Thu, 18 Aug 2011 00:34

But why dont YOU use control shots instead of droppers?

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Postby dsavbeast012 » Thu, 18 Aug 2011 07:39

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:But why dont YOU use control shots instead of droppers?

And do not worry, SIM tour is coming soon, inside info.

Well for one I barely play this game anymore at all TBH, maybe once a week before I get frustrated w/ it. 2K Open is still okay I guess but WT is a total mess now.

And no I'm not a drop shot cheeser at all, but I understand how some ppl can be. It's frustrating as hell to play 40 shot rallies where you hit shots that you know should be either a winner or a forced error when you're playing a low speed person but they float it back, and keep getting it back sense it's timing and not positioning or speed that matters as far as whether a shot goes in or not.

Or even worse when you're playing a low speed high power person who just hits 100 mph on the run all of the time and has no penalty for the low speed.

I know bc I've been on the other side of the coin w/ a person having speed in the mid 50s and even as low as 46 spd but still getting shots back and winning 30 shot rallies bc of timing. I've tried with 'fair' builds but there's no way for me to compete unless I stoop to CPS/IR and the high power low speed guild. I'd rather not play the game at all than have to use one coach to win.

I've talked to other ITST members over XBL about it and they feel the same way - they don't like using these CPS/IR builds w/ low speed and high pwr, but since everyone else is doing it it's the way to go. Now hmm...wasn't that part of the reason why TI/MD was banned? Everyone using it and one style dominating the tour?

I'm just saying, pointing out things like drop shot spamming is only obscuring the real issue of speed being meaningless, which is why MOST ppl feel that using droppers is the only way to exploit low speed. I'm not saying it's right, just pointing out that it's hypocritical for players who've maxed power and minimized speed to then complain when it gets exploited, even if it's in this case through cheesy, drop shot abuse.
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Postby VMoe86 » Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:31

I_Zooloo_I wrote:i noticed many players use some short (power?) slice to drag me inside the court then long lift or flat these days.

is it a cheesy tactic or it s just me who dont like it?

That's a reasonable tactic against player with high PWR and low SPD stats (provided your opponent has low PWR). Just rewatch the match of Federer against del Potro at Cincinatti - many times he dragged del Potro inside the court and since he is uncomfortable near the net it was easy for Federer do win these rallies. Or watch Federer against Djokovic at this years French Open (the short slice return to Djokovic's backhand). Doing it EVERY single point or rallye is unrealistic and cheesy, though.
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:34

Yow i just wanted to say that in my humble opinion CPS/IR is not that overpowered, i mean its a good build but in my opinion the Welch one is better(u can do some crazy angles with that s***).

Ohh and i rarely use drops even though i have low power and have DSA, the thing is CPS/IR build will dominate you if u try to exchange power shots with it(trust me been there done that) but if u mix ur shots with control deep flats and angled top spins u can keep those slow guys always on the run until u have a chance to finish the point.

Anyway thats how im playing right now after being owned by a guy using CPS/IR, im sure better players than i also know how to counter it but thats how i do it, hope it can help others out. Peace. Ohh and anyone that wants to add me so we could play im always up for it(WT is dead to me).
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Postby Tuurbine » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 00:23

You guys want to know what is cheesy?

Two nights ago i decided to play the 2k tour, that i havent played for months, and played with Federer, had an horrible match that i ended up winning 4-3 4-3 and the other guy using Nadal wasnt that good, but he made more than 30 drop shots, yes,more than THIRTY DROP SHOTS, plus tramline service every single time, slicing the ball almost every single shot... you name what is cheesy... he made it....

At the end of the match I received a message from him saying I AM ALMOST AT MY BEST LEVEL FINALLY (like being proud of what he has done).. and I answered... man but you made more than 30 drop shots, thats just insane and way to cheesy..... he didnt care, he said thats the way he plays and thats it, that its more cheesy to make TOP SPIN SHOTS!! lol i just couldnt keep it any more and just stopped writing... but people like this really exist in our universe 8)
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Postby Dark-Disaster » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 00:54

Tuurbine wrote:You guys want to know what is cheesy?

Two nights ago i decided to play the 2k tour, that i havent played for months, and played with Federer, had an horrible match that i ended up winning 4-3 4-3 and the other guy using Nadal wasnt that good, but he made more than 30 drop shots, yes,more than THIRTY DROP SHOTS, plus tramline service every single time, slicing the ball almost every single shot... you name what is cheesy... he made it....

At the end of the match I received a message from him saying I AM ALMOST AT MY BEST LEVEL FINALLY (like being proud of what he has done).. and I answered... man but you made more than 30 drop shots, thats just insane and way to cheesy..... he didnt care, he said thats the way he plays and thats it, that its more cheesy to make TOP SPIN SHOTS!! lol i just couldnt keep it any more and just stopped writing... but people like this really exist in our universe 8)

That's happened to me, but the opponent was Chang. Storm of drop shot artist.
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Postby Rocketsfall » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 06:54

I played a guy on WT the other day who said I was a "cheater" without any further details. I used a sim test s&v character and didn't do anything special while he used a 98 serve and 98 power.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 08:37

LOLOLOL :lol: :oops:
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