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Sanoww wrote:dsavbeast012 wrote: The only way to exploit low speed is by using drop shots
Don't think so, controlled cross angle top spins and most likely deep controlled flat shots are good solutions, and these options are waaay fairer than dropshotting all the time..
BluudyEEfingaz wrote:Exactly! No one's complaining about using dropshots...the overuse of dropshots is the problem especially when I'm playing another power player that pushes me off the court then complains that I'm standing too far behind the baseline to cover shots...also dropshotting after serves or multiple dropshots in one single point. On the run dropshots. This is not real tennis. I have a Hingis character that I play with and I average two dropshots in a set. More dump volleys than dropshots every time.
I_Zooloo_I wrote:i noticed many players use some short (power?) slice to drag me inside the court then long lift or flat these days.
is it a cheesy tactic or it s just me who dont like it?
I_Zooloo_I wrote:i noticed many players use some short (power?) slice to drag me inside the court then long lift or flat these days.
is it a cheesy tactic or it s just me who dont like it?
RainingAmoeba79 wrote:But why dont YOU use control shots instead of droppers?
And do not worry, SIM tour is coming soon, inside info.
I_Zooloo_I wrote:i noticed many players use some short (power?) slice to drag me inside the court then long lift or flat these days.
is it a cheesy tactic or it s just me who dont like it?
Tuurbine wrote:You guys want to know what is cheesy?
Two nights ago i decided to play the 2k tour, that i havent played for months, and played with Federer, had an horrible match that i ended up winning 4-3 4-3 and the other guy using Nadal wasnt that good, but he made more than 30 drop shots, yes,more than THIRTY DROP SHOTS, plus tramline service every single time, slicing the ball almost every single shot... you name what is cheesy... he made it....
At the end of the match I received a message from him saying I AM ALMOST AT MY BEST LEVEL FINALLY (like being proud of what he has done).. and I answered... man but you made more than 30 drop shots, thats just insane and way to cheesy..... he didnt care, he said thats the way he plays and thats it, that its more cheesy to make TOP SPIN SHOTS!! lol i just couldnt keep it any more and just stopped writing... but people like this really exist in our universe
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