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Postby Tuurbine » Mon, 02 May 2011 22:13

djarvik wrote:I think the problem is not they seem fast, the problem is with quality of the shot coming from them on the run. Especially of the dead runs.

In professional tennis everyone is fast. It may seem like one guy is slower then the other when you watch it on TV, but believe me, even the slow guy is extremely fast.

The power guys with low speed ratings "should" get to most if not all balls - but the quality of the resulting shot should be poor.

I agree with you but not completly :D

the thing is, if you see the stats for mmmm lets say POWER ok? If you have a player with s power stat of 65 vs a player that has 85 in power, you will feel the difference in the shot speed, even a new player in the game will see a difference in the shot speed.

Now lets say FH or BH stats? If you have a player with 85 in FH and 60 in BH, you will see a huge difference in the quality of the shots produced with the FH compared to the BH.

Now, SPEED, it is not the same? You see almost to no difference between low speed stats and high speed stats, the same with stamina, I see players with low stamina endure a 30 shot rally and hitting every ball like they are not tired at all.

So my question is, why power and FH and BH are affected by how many points you put in them, but in speed and stamina you dont.
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I agree...

Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 15 May 2011 22:13

Everything said here is right, but the most frustrating thing is these angles that players cAn pull of consistently. Ever online match I have is who pulls the other guy of the court most. Its really boring. Also, the people who stand realllly wide to serve are annoying to. And finally, BRING BACK THE S AND V!!!
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Re: I agree...

Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 15 May 2011 22:17

RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Also, the people who stand realllly wide to serve are annoying to.

The worst part about it is that the game gradually, and automatically, moves you wider as the match goes on - so it's hard to even call it cheesy.
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Re: I agree...

Postby Moralspain » Sun, 15 May 2011 22:41

Rob ITST wrote:
RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Also, the people who stand realllly wide to serve are annoying to.

The worst part about it is that the game gradually, and automatically, moves you wider as the match goes on - so it's hard to even call it cheesy.

that's true, i've noticed that when i'm serving from left to right (ad court)
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Postby supermassy831 » Wed, 18 May 2011 13:01

I play to top spin since first chapter and if u want true funny and agonism the only way to play in a balanced way is eliminate the coach and fix player with max 80 in one voice and max 75 all the rest.

It's no sense play like robot and see regular deep ball on the line, diagonal close cross. In this way is an arcade game!!! And if players want to play an arcade game can play to virtua tennis.

What do you think about it?

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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 18 May 2011 18:15

Agreed! Bn The TI/MD coach, John Samala, and put a 80-85cap!
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Postby Vieira151 » Wed, 18 May 2011 19:56

I've beat 3/3 TI/MD players I've played the last couple of days. Not sure how their levels compare to the ones you mention, but there are ways that make it difficult for them to play 'their' way. :wink:

Again, not saying I'm a genius, but I have just been playing unusually well the last couple of days. :lol: :lol:
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Postby dsavbeast012 » Tue, 24 May 2011 19:51

Tuurbine wrote:
djarvik wrote:I think the problem is not they seem fast, the problem is with quality of the shot coming from them on the run. Especially of the dead runs.

In professional tennis everyone is fast. It may seem like one guy is slower then the other when you watch it on TV, but believe me, even the slow guy is extremely fast.

The power guys with low speed ratings "should" get to most if not all balls - but the quality of the resulting shot should be poor.

I agree with you but not completly :D

the thing is, if you see the stats for mmmm lets say POWER ok? If you have a player with s power stat of 65 vs a player that has 85 in power, you will feel the difference in the shot speed, even a new player in the game will see a difference in the shot speed.

Now lets say FH or BH stats? If you have a player with 85 in FH and 60 in BH, you will see a huge difference in the quality of the shots produced with the FH compared to the BH.

Now, SPEED, it is not the same? You see almost to no difference between low speed stats and high speed stats, the same with stamina, I see players with low stamina endure a 30 shot rally and hitting every ball like they are not tired at all.

So my question is, why power and FH and BH are affected by how many points you put in them, but in speed and stamina you dont.

This is the main problem w/ this game, outside of TI/MD of course. People aren't penalized nearly enough for loading up on power and having low speed stats. Guys can still run down shots like Nadal, and get to those shots and hit good shots on them. A guy w/ under 60 speed shouldn't be a snail, but they shouldn't be Nadal either. Right now the difference between 80 speed and 60 speed is nearly non-existent. And I say that as a guy w/ 63 speed, I know I get some balls that I probably shouldn't.
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 06 Jun 2011 20:30

I want to thank 2K for working with ITST on this update. Below are notes provided exclusively to ITST.

Release Notes with added commentary for ITST by designer Rémi Ercolani

· Fatigue now has a bigger impact on shot quality: tired players perform less precise shots and have higher chances of making errors if their timing is off or if the context is bad.

RE: Our objective is to make fatigue play a bigger role in the game and help create more variety in the shots, more winner opportunities (coming from a tired player’s weak shot) and also more errors when the rally is long and exhausting. Managing your player’s fatigue is now even more important than it was before.

· Extreme cross court angles are now slightly harder to achieve.

RE: The ability for a player to hit the most extreme zones of the court (especially cross court) is now more sensitive to the context, to the player’s forehand or backhand attribute and to the timing. We wanted to make rallies between skilled players less extreme in terms of angles and make players use more different and varied strategies to win points: wrong foot your opponent, force a weak shot and finish with a powerful winner, go to the net and finish with a volley, force errors by varying spins and shot placement or exhausting your opponent.

· The balance between serving and serve return has been reworked to better feel the impact of the attributes.

RE: The attributes to consider are Power and Serve for the quality for the serve, Reflexes and Forehand/Backhand for the return. Among the different modifications, extreme slice serves with a lot of side spin are harder to perform by players with a low serve attribute and require a great serve to be consistently efficient. Good top spin serves are also more efficient in that they make the return more difficult to aim with precision. For return serves, it is now easier to return a weak serve with a powerful return and the aiming distribution has been modified.

· Coaches have been tweaked to limit the combination of important bonus attributes and skills impacting the quality of the shots.

RE: The objective is to make sure no coach is more beneficial than the other. We also wanted to encourage players to test the different coaches to see how each of them impacts the game and have them find which one is the most appropriate for their play style.

· Some skills have been tweaked to guarantee that no combination of bonus attributes and skills makes some coaches more efficient than others.

Modified skills include Monster Defense, Top Spin Invasion, Inside Out Master, Better on Long Rallies and Highly Flammable.
For the complete skill descriptions, please see the full manual online.

· Good shots in defensive situations are harder to perform.

When a player makes a shot in a difficult context (powerful ball, low ball, after a long and fast run …), it is more difficult for him/her to turn the situation around and return an efficient shot. Timing and attributes are more critical and a good shot selection (putting the opponent in a difficult position) is often rewarded.
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Postby fedfan » Mon, 06 Jun 2011 20:33

I had IR & PSS with matching stats on both forehand and backhand and the update has brought one of my wings down which overall would be a good thing if it's forcing a differential between either side so IR with high power is not ott.
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Postby brazegoesmoo » Mon, 06 Jun 2011 20:44

People who slice me a ton are beasting me now even more than ever. It's harder to hit winners it seems
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Postby Immortal Strife » Mon, 06 Jun 2011 20:57

In the update skills where modified to allow for more balance. My question is, what was specifically modified for "Longer, Better" and "Highly Flammable" do they now kick in earlier?

It sounds like a lot of thought was put into this update and I want to say thanks!
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Postby Chederer » Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:00

i am getting on first thing tonight...erm i just noticed that this threads name is ballancing updates; shouldnt it be b-a-l-a-n-c-i-n-g with just one L?

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Postby edlglide » Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:00

Definitely seeing a lot more errors -- just won an ITST match where my opponent had 24 winners and 16 errors. I only had 2 errors, but I play serve & volley so I don't hit that many baseline shots.

Also noticed that the angles were much less extreme.....seems like if you try to go for a short crosscourt angle, you either hit it out or you hit it more in the center of the court. Really liking it so far.
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:03

Chederer wrote:i am getting on first thing tonight...erm i just noticed that this threads name is ballancing updates; shouldnt it be b-a-l-a-n-c-i-n-g with just one L?

Not sure what you talking about 8)
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