" uses drop shots from defensive positions and against returns (at least once a game which is cheesy as you rarely see it used against a return)" then
I said you use drop shots AGAINST my returns, not on YOUR returns, god you're thick.
I said you use the drop shot against my returns at least once every service game, NOT defensive drop shots (again you understand nothing). it seems you were drunk and didnt know what you were writing
so you didnt say i use drop shots from defensive position .
and you say i am thick , understand nothing and dont know how to count too
you should wish that you can play as well as you can talk . i feel sorry for you
"R1 shots are cheesy, they, if used right, will make your shots harder to return deep, they also fake as if you're coming to net, how is that not cheesy???
You use r1 shots with your Neuwirth as well, surely if they weren't effective you wouldn't use them. You use a setup with Approach Shots Expert...... don't give me that bs that it's not cheesy, you're faking coming to net, that alone, rather it's effective or not is cheesy." again you are assuming things and accusing without knowing . i dont use r1 the way u described it , i use r1 when i approach the net MOSTLY , but sometimes i hit the winner before getting to the net and yes sometimes i change my mind and dont follow it because not all my shots are perfect so no point of going to the net and be in a bad position ,so no need to assume things that you didnt see . i definitely dont use it all the time or just to make my shots more effective as you are trying too hard to show to people .
and i see everyone uses it without approaching the net . do one thing kid , go and report everyone on this website .
i upload these pix for the statistics of my matches so you shut your mouth and stop accusing people without knowing their play style .
with all respect to the opponents in the pictures , i will delete them if you feel uncomfortable .
http://imageshack.us/a/img18/328/ajman2013031901845.jpg this is with my good mate obskur
http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/7953/14445042.jpg this was with papous , one of the best players around and good friend of me .
http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/4110/94093768.jpg and this is with my good friend kaiotib .
the idea behind that is that i want to show YOU and others how many times i approach the net , too many isn't it ?? then i dont think im abusing the r1 . but losers like yourself will take it as an excuses against my success .
and it seems too difficult for you to admit that other players had improved and became better players . instead ,you have all the time to come and create accusations and fake things just to show that they are bad and not good enough .
weather you like it or not , i have improved alot , the 1st match i played obskur he beat me 6-0 6-0 , and that wasnt long ago , i worked so hard to improve all parts of my game and now i can compete with the like of him , the elite players you described .
weather you like it or not i totally deserve the matches i won, and your words count for nothing . it is just showing the weak personality you have . again i tell you , you talk so much and do so little . your condition is hopeless .
you are too bad at playing this game boy , why dont you retire .
why did you avoid replying back on what i said about autopositioning !! it is not cheesy ??? it makes your player run way faster than his speed ability limit . recover faster from dead position and get to the next shot which is suppose to be a winner ( sometimes i hit a perfect shot that is noway in normal circumstances will get back , then i see the other player flashes to it and guess what , hit it so hard and deep even if it is behind his body ) now tell me what is that !! . that is the real cheese . but you didnt reply on that because you and some top players use that and have the big advantages so you avoided talking about it
. autopositioning is the cheesiest thing in this game .
and stop defending others and talk about yourself only . obskur is a great player and a nice guy , we have all the respect between us , in both matches i won against him , he never never said something bad or disrespected me , he said gg wp and leave .that is sportmanship that u heavily lack , so stop trying to involve him in this . talk about yourself only .