1. Run to the place where the ball will land a patiently wait for the ball to come down then spike it
2. Same thing as number 1 but does a ground stroke
3. The player does this wierd approach thing catching the ball at the ankles,
I've seen this abused sometimes knowing one of these things would happen to get them back in the point. I'm halfway okay with that...halfway. The thing I'm not okay with is when it happens and the baseline to baseline lobbing leads to the lobber getting ahead in the rally the shot after they lob.
If someone does the "baseline to baseline lob and then get way ahead in the point because of it" 3 - 10 times or more in a match, (which could totally turn the match) how should the other topspin 4 players handle this?
1. Fight cheese with cheese, because this is allowed or
2. Tell the host after the match because this should very rarely happen.
Ps: I'm not talking about lobbing when someone is at the net, only baseline to baseline. But I'm sure someone will bring up lobbing over someone who is hovering over the net as if its never been discussed on the forum...sigh