Question about lobs

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Question about lobs

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Fri, 18 Jan 2013 18:00

I know people are allowed to lob as much as they want whenever they want for the most part. I think I saw somewhere that specifically you aren't allowed to lob approach. I personally make it a point not to lob when my opponent is at the baseline because the player can do 1 of 3 dumb things:
1. Run to the place where the ball will land a patiently wait for the ball to come down then spike it
2. Same thing as number 1 but does a ground stroke
3. The player does this wierd approach thing catching the ball at the ankles,

I've seen this abused sometimes knowing one of these things would happen to get them back in the point. I'm halfway okay with that...halfway. The thing I'm not okay with is when it happens and the baseline to baseline lobbing leads to the lobber getting ahead in the rally the shot after they lob.

If someone does the "baseline to baseline lob and then get way ahead in the point because of it" 3 - 10 times or more in a match, (which could totally turn the match) how should the other topspin 4 players handle this?

1. Fight cheese with cheese, because this is allowed or
2. Tell the host after the match because this should very rarely happen.

Ps: I'm not talking about lobbing when someone is at the net, only baseline to baseline. But I'm sure someone will bring up lobbing over someone who is hovering over the net as if its never been discussed on the forum...sigh :?
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby sebastianhu » Fri, 18 Jan 2013 18:07

Well I thought it was considered cheesy to lob back from the baseline (defense lob) - I guess you can do that a couple of times during a match depending on how long it is but like ten times are not okey.
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby wdob1985 » Fri, 18 Jan 2013 21:08

When you use a lob that jams your opponent and they have no proper hit of theball then I think that's cheesy and it happens a lot when you play a certain player.
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby Daxter1975 » Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:33

I play against GeilerPferd and he only (!!!!!) plays Dros Shots and Lobs against my Rafter. :lol:

Thats so cheesy and impossible to win against an Nadal with these Tactic.

But i give it up to say anything, because the Hosts didn´t answer this problem.

So, i try 1 more Tournament, than taht´s was for me with ITST. I have no time to play against Cheesy Lob Players.,...
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Fri, 18 Jan 2013 23:16

Daxter1975 wrote:I play against GeilerPferd and he only (!!!!!) plays Dros Shots and Lobs against my Rafter.

You should inform the host immediately if someone is continually using dropshots, this is against the rules. If he only used a few dropshots and a lot of lobs to counter net play then this is 100% legal, and the host isn't going to anything about it.
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby Daxter1975 » Sat, 19 Jan 2013 09:38

I have inform the Host, but he didn´t answer and GeilerPferd is in the next round. That´s nice.

So, for all the Baseliners... Use Drops Shots and Lobs and you will wins against S&V Guys.... Cheesy...
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby V_detonator_V » Sat, 19 Jan 2013 15:59

sv is more cheesy because it's the biggest problem in the top spin 4 gameplay
if you have serve volley and reflex in red color it's very cheesy, you just touch at the good moment and it is the point all the time
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Sat, 19 Jan 2013 21:19

Well, not always.
You can play top spin passing shots in street angles, using control shots. You can't always hit a winning stop volley in that situation,
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby GeilerPferdBANNED » Sun, 20 Jan 2013 18:24

Daxter, I only played the dropshot lob combination in order to send you back. And also this i only did when you were abusing the serve, charge net, hit short drop shot near the net every time... Did you manage to tell this to the host?
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby GeilerPferdBANNED » Sun, 20 Jan 2013 18:26

Daxter1975 wrote:
So, for all the Baseliners... Use Drops Shots and Lobs and you will wins against S&V Guys.... Cheesy...

Moron, if you play S&V realistically and don't abuse it, then maybe the baseliners won't lob you each time. You stand in no mans land when i am serving and just charge the net like an imbecile, 100% of the time. Sorry, I cannot pass you because rafter's skills at the net are unrealistic. When you serve, you do slow outwide serves which buy you a lot of time to approach the net and put away an easy volley or do your usual drop shot volley.

What do you expect me to do, just play the ball to you so you can put away the volley?

I considered your fake net play very cheesy. And lets not lie here - yes I used the lob a lot but i rarely used the dropshot. My 2nd round opponent who i lost to will confirm that. GP
Last edited by GeilerPferdBANNED on Sun, 20 Jan 2013 18:42, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby GeilerPferdBANNED » Sun, 20 Jan 2013 18:33

BrushedBigJJ wrote:
Daxter1975 wrote:I play against GeilerPferd and he only (!!!!!) plays Dros Shots and Lobs against my Rafter.

You should inform the host immediately if someone is continually using dropshots, this is against the rules. If he only used a few dropshots and a lot of lobs to counter net play then this is 100% legal, and the host isn't going to anything about it.

Obviously I did this to counter his irritating and unrealistic net rushing. He plays with rafter, 100% S&V.
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby Daxter1975 » Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:04

1. I played not 1 Drop Shot Volley. All Volleys were short placed Volleys. Drop Shot Volleys are not allowed here
2. You played rarely Drop Shots? Thats the Point why i have won the first set easy and had no (!) Chance in Set 2!!!
3. You plaed nearly 80% of your Shots as Lobs when i am at Net
4. when you don´t can play good passing shots, you have not the skill to beat a good S&V Player. But to play cheesy than, it´s funny...
5. Rafter is quick and had good approach skill. But when you play good, it´s impossible to me to break you. But you played no long shots, no Topspin. And only win with your cheesy tactic

But you are in the next round (a joke), because the support for S&V Players from the hosts here are .... not soooo good.... :roll:
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Re: Question about lobs

Postby GeilerPferdBANNED » Sun, 20 Jan 2013 21:35

"No topspin" huh? Why not ask my 2nd round opponent if know how to play or not? He plays fair, you played like a cheat exploiting the poorly designed s&v of this game.

Also stop saying i lobbed you 80% of the time. If i did, you would've caught on to it and smashed all my lobs. I mixed it up and you just couldn't cope so you gave up.

Pls be fair and give a realistic display of what took place in our match. GP
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