How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

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How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby BlasterWorm2008 » Sun, 13 Jan 2013 15:34


I am really good at this game but every now and then I meet someone who is off the hook, like, insainly good, so how do I up my game to become amazing???

Whats the best techinique???

Thanks guys!!!

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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Sun, 13 Jan 2013 15:50

Honestly you have to PRACTICE with the best to be the best. Pretty soon you begin picking up on their techniques. Winning is this game is 70% skill and 30% mental. Being able to play the big points. For instance, when you FINALLY break the serve of a top player, can you follow up with a good service game of your own, because they're going to be pissed that you broke them and they're going to throw EVERYTHING at you. That's when you need to pay the most attention to their game. When they're down...look at which wing the use, bh or fh...this is the style of play in which they're most comfortable...are they serving outwide or up the T? Do they come to net or hug the baseline? These are all things that you should pay attention to when top players are down. Once you pick apart their game, it's usually easy to predict a few points. Stay with a top player. The first games are usually the ones that you feel out your opponents. A top player will use these games to establish his/her dominance. Do not allow them to intimidate you. You'll find when a top player is on a roll and winning easy points...stringing them together in clusters, they'll attempt to rush play. But you never see a top player speed up when he/she is down...simply because they're making you play on their time. Know the mental game as well as the physical. :)
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby BlasterWorm2008 » Mon, 14 Jan 2013 11:59

Thank you, I will take that on board and try my best, its crazy though, I won 9 games in a row recently, then last night I came up against someone who beat me 3-0 3-0....And i was like, OMG how the hell did u do that, I am pretty skilled at this game, practicly unbeatable, then I come up against this guy who thrashed the living hell outta me, thats what I mean when I say there is good, then there is off the hook, this guy was....

TakeMeOutDave75 I think....

Watch him, he is real good...

I asked him his secret and he said master the skill shot in the tutorial and mix it up with a good serve and power and u'll improve, which I did and I have, yet I still cant beat him...

Jeez I wanna get to the top level, it can be soooo hard tho!!!!!!!

Add me and teach me you guys :? ....

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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby Airton111 » Tue, 15 Jan 2013 07:12

Hi, in my experience to get really good on top spin 4 you must practise control shots, play with people better than you and of course people that play fair, its all I think. I remember that I loved playing with Ben Fillon because he has 'Inside-outside master' and 'Diesel server' but other players win me easily because I don't knew to do control shots so I was practising that type of shot, you should do 95% control shots in a match or 100%. I remember that other spanish players won me easily but now they cant beat to me(in mss, in ws or ms I am not able to play so good).

I have to say that I really like to play with Sebastianhu, Sorauze and other players because the connection is perfect, the ball not freeze and give time to me opponent to return all my shots, and because they are really good players.
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby BlasterWorm2008 » Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:56

Thank you for your advice

add me I will play you I am quite good but like I say when I meet my match I just cannot keep up somtimes...

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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby LeapedCastle04 » Tue, 15 Jan 2013 19:04

I remember playing TakemeoutDave. Played him 4 times won 3. The time he beat me was when i was playing as Wawrinka and he was Agassi and he still needed 3 sets....

When i switched to Nadal and beat him 3 times in a row. He disconnected and when he saw me in the lobby he kicked me out...

I've never played Sh0Case but he is supposed to be the best so play him if he is still online. IluvBillval, Airton111 or basically anyone in the Top 10 should be a good sparring partner.
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 16 Jan 2013 13:49

To become really good you must improve both your tactical as the 'technical' aspect. You must know how to execute every shot from every situation in the far corners, both with Control as Power shots. You don't need to train this against very good players. The tactical aspect isn't something you must necesarely train against top players either, as long as your opponent is a good player. If you improve your tactical play you will notice you will simply become to good for the players you are playing and then you can play better players, if you play great players without being there level you will only being crushed so I think you should train against a lower level first. The most important thing with the tactical aspect is your anticipation where both the ball goes and where your opponent is, when to move forward, when to move backwards etc. If perfected you will have a big advantage with this game and get to MANY balls.
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 16 Jan 2013 13:55

Airton111 wrote: you should do 95% control shots in a match or 100%. I remember that other spanish players won me easily but now they cant beat to me(in mss, in ws or ms I am not able to play so good).

Seriously? 95 to 100% Control shots? If I'd play the game in a one dimensional way like that I'd be done with it in 1 day. Power Shots are just as effective just need to learn when to use which type of strike.
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby JohnCurveo » Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:30

Airton111 wrote: I don't knew to do control shots so I was practising that type of shot, you should do 95% control shots in a match or 100%. I remember that other spanish players won me easily but now they cant beat to me(in mss, in ws or ms I am not able to play so good).

I play 50% control shots 50% power shots and very good serving (but not regular), and i give good matches to top 10, the problem is i always end losing :lol: . No need to play so much CSH.

I think it's important to train with the IA, going to the net, playing control shots, power shots and beating all players with all kind of shots. WT is pure shit, when i play WT i play like shit after. Also i recomend to you to think u can do it, no matter what situation, keep playing and trying. I always think i can play better.
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:16

Yeah well, if you have the open court, surely you won't hit a control shot, will you?
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby Airton111 » Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:34

DennieFR1908 wrote:
Airton111 wrote: you should do 95% control shots in a match or 100%. I remember that other spanish players won me easily but now they cant beat to me(in mss, in ws or ms I am not able to play so good).

Seriously? 95 to 100% Control shots? If I'd play the game in a one dimensional way like that I'd be done with it in 1 day. Power Shots are just as effective just need to learn when to use which type of strike.

You say that because you havent problem doing control shots but I say 95-100% to practise it, doing all the time to know how to do it and then, when you know how to do control shots well, that percentage will change of course dependind your style of play. 95 of my shots are control shots because my player havent power enough.
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Re: How to get really good on topspin 4 xbox 360

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:43

Control shots work better against power shots (not necessarely hit by a power player).
But I understand what you're saying.
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