need some explanations :)

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need some explanations :)

Postby zaid137 » Sat, 10 Nov 2012 20:59

hey guys , thanks for this forum , it really helps alot for improving our game weather by advices or videos of top players matches .

i have some questions .

1- why before playing a match in the ITST , we should sign in into the worldtour then quit and then play the match ??

2- glitching !! what does it mean ?? how do i know if my opponent is glitching like for example the "glitch return" its one of the cheesy things in the game ?? what does glitch returning mean or how would i know that return is a glitch 1 ??

3- i want to know about the auto positioning , i have read in the forum how to do it , but i see it is difficult to press forward and left or right ( toward the ball ) everytime , it is kind of difficult . is there any easier way , because i always have trouble in the movement im kind of slow every time regardless the speed stats of my player , and is R1 can help me in autopositioning , because it is written R1 is for fast repositioning ??

i hope i get answers from the experties in this game :) . thanks alot .
PSN ID : zaid137 or zaid1372

"The Tactician"
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Re: need some explanations :)

Postby Biscaia_ » Mon, 12 Nov 2012 11:00

About 1 and 2, I can leave that to experts! :p

About defending... Well, before my opponent strikes the ball, I move my player a little bit to one side that I think it's more convenient... I've noticed that if I wait to see where the ball is heading to, the player does not accelerate as fast as he can could, so I usually start moving a bit earlier... If there's another secret, I don't know what that is :p
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Re: need some explanations :)

Postby zaid137 » Mon, 12 Nov 2012 20:45

yes mate , you are totally right , im doing the same and experiencing the same . i move little bit earlier to the side i believe my opponent will hit to . but i feel there is another secret about the movement because so many players with low 50s are so fast getting all the balls back almost . and i still dont know how to do the autopositioning thingy .

thanks alot for the information mate :)
PSN ID : zaid137 or zaid1372

"The Tactician"
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