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Postby Gotenkssan » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 16:43

Please Sh0case invite him to an exhibition match and do what he pleases to do...: Start from Dashboard, Play 23 Tournaments at WT or get Top 10 Ranked at 2k Open. Make a Video and post it here. After that match between you too he will be silenced for sure..... :D :D :D
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Postby Airton111 » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 16:55

When I play a match I invite or I am invited and then we play, simple. I dont understand of patches or glitch players... I only play for funny and try to play the best fair I can.
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Postby swifty512 » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 19:29

this malakaipr69 is dodgy...We have an itst match which i invite him too but when he shows up none of his skills are present and from what I've been told that means there is a glitch. So i said i cant see your skills, log on to WT and i'll invite u then.

He spends about 20 mins of writing long ass messages instead of just spending an extra 1 min to log on to WT. In the end he refuses to go to WT so i see it as, if you aint cheating whats the problem with doing it??
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Postby malakaipr69 » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 19:38

you don't invite me an other time and you have refused to play. You are like the bullies of this site. I wanted to play you not. Djarvik like has done Slicer in my Wimbledon Qf will decide about this.

Last edited by malakaipr69 on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 06:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Corbon » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 20:06

Ali-Iqb93 wrote:Yes actually the game connects to the 2k server twice.

1) prior to entering the practice ground. The game will say connecting to topspin server

2) when you enter 2k open or world tour.

But if you enter the player ground first and then sign in to psn account or xbox live then there is no way your opponent will know that whether you connected to server or not. So entering world tour is th only way to show that you actually connected to the server. Moreover if you connect to the Internet after reaching the practice ground then you won't be connected to the server and your player will be without patch. Entering the world your or 2k open would then ensure that you connected to the server. Any of the two ways either connection to server before entering practice ground or by entering world tour will make it clear that you connected to server. But some guys will always doubt about the practice court method as before and after the practice ground your status will be same "navigating through the game menus". So Wt or 2k open and doing a top spin button serv is a better method imo.

Interesting. Was the top spin button serve implemented with the patch?

I always thought that you would also download the patch when connecting to WT. Otherwise you would enter WT with some old trainer stats (Quah, Loureiro) which were considered overpowered.
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Postby C4iLL » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 20:06

I'm of course for the opponent of Sh0case in that story.

I don't like the fact Sh0case doesn't show up on the Tennis Elbow tour, surely because there's no way to glitch in that game (or because he would just be outside the top20 for sure !).

(removed signature) Deemed inappropriate by djarvik.
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Postby ydderFx » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 21:26

C4iLL wrote:I'm of course for the opponent of Sh0case in that story.

I don't like the fact Sh0case doesn't show up on the Tennis Elbow tour, surely because there's no way to glitch in that game (or because he would just be outside the top20 for sure !).


Maybe he just wants to dominate both PS3 and Xbox tours til the end of their course? Or he gets bored.

I say come to TS3 and we'll show you what an unforced error is and what it is to actually risk, how movement in this game is so important. Ts4 is for the ones who cried about the risking in ts3 and couldn't get use to it. They absolutely made ts4 into a soft ping pong match of who can hit the best control short cross court flat shot the best.
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Postby Sh0Case » Tue, 17 Jul 2012 21:51

Sadly I never played TS3, and I haven't managed to sort out my issues with my PC to continue playing TE.
I will join the tour so don't worry.
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