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World Tour

Postby ydderFx » Mon, 09 Jul 2012 18:18

Okay I understand that there is going to be cheesy players and all and I deal with that. Im currently on a 14-1 on this season. So I play Seoul Open and I'm up against 100 power and 84 FH and thinking well I could probs still win with my ITST setup. These balls traveled so fast I actually couldn't believe it, I was actually laughing thinking "does this guy think he's good or what?" Im not the best player but im head and shoulders above WT players and win most matches 3/0 3/0. Anyway I end up losing 1/3 3/4 and the guy messaging me saying that "I'm a noob and crap" << basically so I reply you only win from power get some skill. He said power takes skill bearing in mind he had instant rocket.. I was like is this real life? I guess I frustrated him by my play style
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Postby Agassi_Return » Mon, 09 Jul 2012 18:54

He said power takes skill

lol yeeah sure thats why 80% of all WT players use power settings. power and good serve gives you so much advantages to make easy points. Even if you hit with power 90 a bad timed shot you can still hit the winner or stay in the rally. perfect for noobs without skill. Thats why TS4 need more realistic gameplay. -> Hitting to late the ball should go out, hitting to early the ball should go to the net.
Also the serve is just to easy in TS4. You can hit easily 230kmh shots with the same precision on the second serve as on the first serve. Even when you return perfectly he can still hit the winner....
Agassi forever!
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Postby ydderFx » Mon, 09 Jul 2012 19:01

I was amazed at what he said, I was literally in awe of what he just typed to me..
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Location: Somewhere in England

Postby Daxter1975 » Mon, 09 Jul 2012 20:58

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Postby Hugo Chavez » Mon, 09 Jul 2012 23:52

If your opponent serves wide, you always have to return to the side where he is serving from(more time). For the rest try to mix it up, but flat deep control shots work the best. And since these donkeys only use 1 type of shot, it should not be so hard to hit your perfect because your getting in a specific rythm.
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Hugo Chavez
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Postby Agassi_Return » Tue, 10 Jul 2012 00:21

If your opponent serves wide, you always have to return to the side where he is serving from(more time)

Yep just return to his 91 forhand and power 100 lol..not a good idea. Perhaps against bad opponents but not good guys.
Agassi forever!
Posts: 158
Joined: Mon, 04 Aug 2008 15:50

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