Tamthewasp wrote:Analog is smoother D pad is more accurate.
Disagree, no difference in accuracy in-game. Only gain to accuracy with D pad would be based on your ability to control the analog compared to the D-pad.
It isn't more accurate imo, it's just easier to use kind of, you more consistently get the direction you want on the shot, however, I feel so limited with the movement, so I prefer analog.
It is, well thats what I believe and also a few others I have converted to the d pad. The D pad will always be more accurate as with any game but the stick is more fluid and responsive. Same with Pes and Fifa
To win is to achieve success. To compete and lose and try again is greatness
I use both, I wish I could control my player using the D-pad but it feels uncomfortable. I use both when it comes to shot making, depends on the scenario how much time I have. I want to learn to serve with the D-pad as I think it would make it easier to serve consistently to certain places. Oh yeah, a few months ago I switched to the D-pad for my return of serve.
All d pad now. Played ts3 and the beginning of ts4 with the stick but came to realize that in ts4 the d pad makes a huge difference. This was actually under the advice of khult who is also a very talented player.
Stick for serves and d-pad during rallies. D-pad is more responsive when you have to change direction (same thing in Fifa or PES), the only advantage of the stick for me is accuracy but you don't need 360 degrees control like you do in a football game. You usually want to aim for the top/down corners, right?