
Your forum to discuss the fourth generation of Top Spin.

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Postby Tamthewasp » Sat, 02 Jun 2012 14:57

I found this little peach in the archives

Starting with TS3 as a base:
1. Four console doubles, and ranked doubles.
2. Make serving more difficult - if done right, second serves would automatically get weaker.
3. Make the players move slightly better.
4. More realistic created-player setups - either by not being possible to create them with multiple maxed attributes (such as always having a weaker forehand or backhand), or by making weaknesses get punished.
5. Make the risk shots, especially risk returns, more difficult - and/or the possibility to turn risk shots off.
6. Hitting down-the-line should have a lower margin for error than crosscourt - safe shots down-the-line should lack accuracy.
7. The ability to view matches online - both live matches and saved matches.
8. Once you play through the career once, you should be able to create characters without playing through the career again.

By Mr. Rob ITST

I especially like point 5. ( the option to turn risk off) :twisted:
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Sat, 02 Jun 2012 15:05

Timings too soon ball should go to the net.. Timings too late ball should go out of the court..

Most important is the Ability to pause the online matches just for few mins just in case you need to go to the bathroom haha
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sat, 02 Jun 2012 15:10

Option 7 would be such a valuable addition. A vault mode like mw3 where you can save matches and other people could watch them.

Whatever did happen 2 Ronnie at 2k. Later in the the thread I foind this in it goes on 2 say that Ronnie had 2 lock the 2k forum as it was getting over run by ITST peeps or something 2 that affect.
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Postby JohnCurveo » Sat, 02 Jun 2012 15:13

Timings too soon ball should go to the net.. Timings too late ball should go out of the court..

That would be awesome.
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Postby Ary1g » Sat, 02 Jun 2012 17:29

JohnCurveo wrote:
Timings too soon ball should go to the net.. Timings too late ball should go out of the court..

That would be awesome.

In addition, the perfect timing should have three sub-perfects. Like A little too soon, but still perfect, The obvious perfect and A little too late, but still perfect.

Whereas, the too soon perfects would make the aim of the ball go slightly to the left of the area aimed, and the too late perfects would go slightly to the right of the aim.

Hence, if you tried going down the line with your forehand(if you were a right-handed player), you might hit the ball just a little out, dead on the line or not close to the line, depending on your position at the baseline, and if you hit too soon perfect, perfect or too late perfect. ;)
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Postby Marco_Theo_81 » Sun, 03 Jun 2012 07:24

I like your signature, Ary, sorry, I mean Mr. President :)

Yes, would be decisive, hitting not clean, the ball would get out or into the net.
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