I found this little peach in the archives
Starting with TS3 as a base:
1. Four console doubles, and ranked doubles.
2. Make serving more difficult - if done right, second serves would automatically get weaker.
3. Make the players move slightly better.
4. More realistic created-player setups - either by not being possible to create them with multiple maxed attributes (such as always having a weaker forehand or backhand), or by making weaknesses get punished.
5. Make the risk shots, especially risk returns, more difficult - and/or the possibility to turn risk shots off.
6. Hitting down-the-line should have a lower margin for error than crosscourt - safe shots down-the-line should lack accuracy.
7. The ability to view matches online - both live matches and saved matches.
8. Once you play through the career once, you should be able to create characters without playing through the career again.
By Mr. Rob ITST
I especially like point 5. ( the option to turn risk off)