Summary of my R32 Pro Tour Roland Garros match

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Postby Marco_Theo_81 » Wed, 30 May 2012 16:10

Sh0Case wrote:I just played shahrukh89 and I don't think he abused short cross court shots in our match.

Shocase, you are Mr. TopSpin4 himself.
You should create a tutorial with your tips and sell it..... :)

Never played against you, but saw many videos you uploadet on youtube. Everthing looks so easy. You nearly know, what kind of shot is required in the next moment. With a very high average of perfects hits.

May I ask you, how long you needed, to master your gamestyle? And become nearly unbeatable? Ok, if there would not be a certain Fifa Tee.....
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Postby Fifa Tee » Wed, 30 May 2012 16:25

DennieFR1908 wrote:
Ali-Iqb93 wrote:
Fifa Tee wrote:I played that same player in the bmw open, I was Federer vs his Agassi.. I won 6-0 6-2, He did a hell of a lot of cross court shots to my BH... and if they are anticipated you can take them with an inside out shot or even a powershot down the line..

All of these complaints about "short crosses" are kind of stupid, if I anticipate them from early enough, i can attack the shot as it is short. I dont think I would ever lose a match just due to short cross court shots. Alot of PS3 players play with this style, but they are all still beatable! I dont think I have lost to one of these players on PS3.. Come to think of it.. All of my losses are vs Sh0Case or by WO.

Have to agree. Against sh0case and fifa tee short crosses don't work cuz they have got a superb footwork. Short crosses although annoying and unreal can still be tackled if u anticipate them well

I don't think there footwork is so much better than anyone elses. Difference is that they in general use players with higher speed, making it alot easier to anticipate to the short crosses.

I agree, Roger Federer is a speed demon on ts4 :twisted:
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Postby Sh0Case » Wed, 30 May 2012 16:31

On clay I have used yellow speed players in 90% of my regular tour matches.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Wed, 30 May 2012 16:47

DennieFR1908 wrote:
I don't think there footwork is so much better than anyone elses. Difference is that they in general use players with higher speed, making it alot easier to anticipate to the short crosses.

Yea in a sense that's right. Power players have low speed stat. Defensive players have high speed and they can reach to every ball if they anticipate well. Sh0case used Rabary against me and he still was moving great anyway
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Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 30 May 2012 17:33

Yea whatever. Anyway I don't see the footwork of you guys are better then for instance mine or Obskur. Only thing you guys are better at in my opinion is the short cross. Because I hate this shot and never play it and you guys are specialized at it. You guys better then me at the game? Probably but that's mostly because you both master the single most important stroke of the game, in my opinon. I can't say that I feel dominated by your play or something like that.
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Postby Fifa Tee » Wed, 30 May 2012 17:41

Dennie, you know we have only EVER played ONE MATCH?
Xbox 360 ID - The Almighty Ox

"You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. But you were wrong. The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair."
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Postby DennieFR1908 » Wed, 30 May 2012 18:16

Fifa Tee wrote:Dennie, you know we have only EVER played ONE MATCH?

Yes I know we should play one soon. I'm generally talking about sh0Case as you might understand.
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Postby Likos86321 » Wed, 30 May 2012 20:02

You are all lucky that i rarely play ts4 nowadays... now even Ary will beat me, no offence mate ;);)
Likos86321 - Marcos Baghdatis
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Postby Ary1g » Wed, 30 May 2012 20:50

Ary1g wrote:Anyways, longest rally I've had until now with the rules is a rare 35-40.

This should be the a sim-tour. People who only play to win, won't join such a tour when there's a regular tour they can destroy, hence there will be a majority of players looking to play fair. Arguements can be solved with coin toss if the situation seems locked and no proofs lead anywhere. We'll easily see who's getting into arguements every now and then. Claiming that and that. After a while, those unsporting players will stand out in the crowd of fair players. Then they'll be banned.

If there are some controversial decisions, the fair player can at least know that he/she played fair and that this is only a game. Most players playing such a tour is going to be mainly players who have been on ITST for a long time, so I can't do anything other than hope that at least these players play fair.

If 4/5 matches are fair, I would be more than satisfied and will be having a lot more fun than nowadays.

Okay, not going to care to answer anyone else right now, expect a long post from me some other day. :)

Djarvik, there I responded. Where's your answer to it? Thanks for taking my suggestion a little bit serious, asking important questions. (Not joking) :)
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