ZPS on First Serves?

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ZPS on First Serves?

Postby jayb1988 » Wed, 14 Mar 2012 19:59

What is the ruling regarding Zero Power Serves?

I've had a couple of matches this week where I feel like people are seeing me return serves well and counteract this by throwing in a low powered serve first serve.

One player I played against seemed to use this all the way through the match, serving slow and allowing them plenty of time to get into the net. I know the power stat is generally low for S & V players but surely you can still serve over 100mph on a first serve if you wanted to.

In another match the player seemed to use it a couple of times a game or on crucial points as I was getting ahead on their serve. This guy has 98/98 serve and power setup and bangs them down at 140mph when he wants, so to throw in 98mph serves to stop me from returning seems kind of dodgy to me.

How much of this is too much for it to be considered cheesy? When questioning one player on why he used ZPS so much he seemed oblivious, saying I use slow first serves when my first serve isn't fast enough/not working as well as usual :?

I know I am a fair player but at times I feel like there really isn't much point in playing that way if people don't give you any respect back. I draw the line at filming matches because that for me is just taking things a little too seriously, we shouldnt need to do it?
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Postby Tamthewasp » Wed, 14 Mar 2012 20:35

1 zps is 2 much it is a dirty tactic and against the rules.

Also what is with all the defensive lobs these days.

I h8 people who cheat. (unless it's me cheating obviously)
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Re: ZPS on First Serves?

Postby Rob ITST » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 01:11

jayb1988 wrote: to throw in 98mph servesturning seems kind of dodgy to me.

98mph is not zero power. ZPS is around 78mph.
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Postby jayb1988 » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 02:26

When I asked someone what it was the other day they said it was when you serve using the buttons, so a slow serve basically, I did originally think it was the one where you don't press anything at all.

So slowed down serving on a first serve is allowed? I don't mean the odd one to mix things up, fair enough I do that sometimes but I mean 50/60% slow first serves at least, effectively making your return game next to useless.
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Postby jayb1988 » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 02:32

Tamthewasp wrote:1 zps is 2 much it is a dirty tactic and against the rules.

Also what is with all the defensive lobs these days.

I h8 people who cheat. (unless it's me cheating obviously)

I don't understand the whole cheating mentality, not just in ITST but multiplayer games in general always seem riddled with hackers, cheaters and people bending the rules, literally what is the point?

If I was to win an ITST tournament knowing I had cheated to win it, I'd rather not play the game at all. The point of games is to measure your ability against others, and if its not good enough just keep practicing till it is or give up and do something more productive, winning at a game is not everything, the only thing that matters is you enjoy it, its the taking part that counts and all that!
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 02:48

ZPS is when you tap the serve button, just tap it not hold it. its around 90-140 KM/H if im not mistaken.

If you hold the serve button then its a fair serve, also you´ve been here a while you should know that already.
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Postby jayb1988 » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 17:55

LokiSharpShootr wrote:ZPS is when you tap the serve button, just tap it not hold it. its around 90-140 KM/H if im not mistaken.

If you hold the serve button then its a fair serve, also you´ve been here a while you should know that already.

Someone's tired! :). But yeah I'm pretty sure that's what was going on, especially against the S & V and volley guy because the serves took an age to get to me allowing him to get to the net before I could hit it.

And the big server was dropping his speed well below 100mph on first serves a heck of alot of the time.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 19:09

**** people who cheat.
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I hope a few of you ses this b4 it ux deleted
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Postby Corbon » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 20:25

I've even seen players auto-serving and then playing normally. I think instead of soaring over the net the ball should always go out or hit the net on an auto-serve.
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Postby DennieFR1908 » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 21:55

people just don't know how to time them.. ZPS me as much as you want I'll destroy you. Doesn't work against me.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 22:10

Yh I can tine a zps. But di not say zps me whenever you want
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Postby jayb1988 » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 17:58

OK just played a player who regularly served 60kph first serves when behind in a game or trying to disrupt my return of serve.

Can anyone from management give clarification on the ruling for regularly slow serving, it's driving me crazy?!

The fact that I'm a good returner shouldn't mean someone can just chip in a first serve so I can't return properly. I only serve slow serves for my second serve, mimicking real tennis, never on the first.

Also, I think the same opponent reported me for returning inside the baseline. Am I right that you can do this on a second serve? The serve was so slow that by the time the ball came over the net I was naturally in a forward position, when the ball was hit I was behind the line, that's ok isnt it?!
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Postby Ary1g » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 18:39

There is no rule against returning inside the baseline in TS4. It's more risky to do. I do it sometimes. However, ime* 1/5 returns go wide if you're not hitting with really perfect timing(and even those can go wide sometimes). So you will be giving away a few easy points by returning inside the baseline ime*. I haven't tried it with a good return player though. It might be overpowered if used with a great return build. However this is just speculations. I haven't tried it, so I don't know. ;) What build do you use? And how far inside the baseline do you stand? It will look bad if you are standing as close to the service box as possible.. ;)

*in my experience
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Postby ELTXETXU » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 19:09

Return inside the baseline was forbidden in TS3 but in TS4 isn't it. So you can return inside the baseline without any problem.

ZPS (no faster than 120/125 km/h) are always cheesy (in first or second serve)
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Postby jayb1988 » Fri, 30 Mar 2012 22:23

Ary1g wrote:There is no rule against returning inside the baseline in TS4. It's more risky to do. I do it sometimes. However, ime* 1/5 returns go wide if you're not hitting with really perfect timing(and even those can go wide sometimes). So you will be giving away a few easy points by returning inside the baseline ime*. I haven't tried it with a good return player though. It might be overpowered if used with a great return build. However this is just speculations. I haven't tried it, so I don't know. ;) What build do you use? And how far inside the baseline do you stand? It will look bad if you are standing as close to the service box as possible.. ;)

*in my experience

Cheers for the info, yeah I've noticed that even when you hit perfect returns they can go wide if you are standing forward, but the thing is I only stand close to the service box for the second serve, for the initial first serve I'm always either on or behind the baseline for a fast serve and this guy who pulled me up on it was serving so slow I can't really be expected to wait behind the baseline for it to come to me, so I moved onto it as it came over the net.

I think if someone has the cheek to serve constant slow balls you should be allowed to jump all over it, as you would see people do in real tennis. This guy was serving between 50-100kph for a large portion of the match on first and second serves, particularly when I was returning well and was ahead on his service game, so frustrating.

I still managed to win but its not really the point and I don't really know what to do, I tried filming a match with someone I know who does it alot when his first serve isnt working but it takes forever to upload to youtube so not sure if its worth bothering really!

My build is Babb with I think high 60's on the backhand and almost 80 on the forehand side, with the key I think being that the power is 90 so I can boom back winners or strong shots straight from a return. I don't really know how I do it I think its become an instinctive reading of each serve pattern, I know I'm running on the latest update so can't be glitching unless the game is bypassing the server without me knowing!
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