WTH is a glitched player anyway?

Your forum to discuss the fourth generation of Top Spin.

Moderator: Senior Hosts

Postby Ary1g » Tue, 27 Mar 2012 11:18

I don't know. I'm getting more confused by reading more about this. I have never really experienced any big differences. I also very often don't care to log onto WT or make sure my opponent logs onto WT, and I can't really say that I have encountered a glitch/pre-patch/superman player yet. Sure, some days I get crushed by someone I usually have close matches with, however those days are mostly bad days where my timing is off and gameplan is uninspired. It could also be a day where my opponent is really on fire and are working great on court.

Therefore I don't really care about all this:"go to WT/practice court" stuff when playing friendlies. Have never had any problems with these overpowered glitch players. Except Welsh of course, who's is a big glitch alone ;)
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