Doesn't Welch give you the same advantages as Quah?

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Doesn't Welch give you the same advantages as Quah?

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Sun, 04 Mar 2012 19:27

Honestly I think Welch gives you more edge... as Quah has been modified since the update. Seriously 90 on both wings and 85 stamina and speed? Why aren't we ALL using this coach? Having such an advantage on FH and BH gives you unbelievably consistent angles and hardly ANY errors EVER! Meaning, you can use Slice, Top Spin and Flat shots and hardly ever miss. So forget Top Spin invasion, this is full arsenal invasion...every shot goes in and hits the lines EVERY time. The speed allows you to get to EVERY single ball and stamina is so high that you never tire out which is basically Monster it not? So why is Quah still banned? This Welch gives you even more advantages that the now modified Quah ever could and if the Welch players weren't already fully armed enough...the drop shot skill. :roll: Whatever...this debate obviously goes on deaf ears but this isn't the first thread about this coach. I wish that the ITST would actually see the similarites in these coaches. I feel if Welch is allowed...all the other coaches should be too. Why ban one or two and there still be unfair advantages to be exploited? :?
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sun, 04 Mar 2012 19:34

Agreed with EVRYthing you said.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Sun, 04 Mar 2012 19:42

Nothing is going to happen against welch.. I have given up writing against welch now lol. One way to stop welch is that "ITST should ban the control shots of welch. No one is allowed to hit control shots using welch lol"
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Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Sun, 04 Mar 2012 19:44

I do not wish for him to be banned...just for ITST members to have access to all coaches.
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Postby Painted Crystal » Sun, 04 Mar 2012 21:01

And Peto Chesire is more and more fair respect Welch and Qua...
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Postby C4iLL » Sun, 04 Mar 2012 23:50

The problem is maybe not Welch, the problem is the people that are using these setups with the glitch. 8)
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Postby Corbon » Tue, 06 Mar 2012 23:35

Certain coaches are banned because of a single skill, Monster Defense. Chesire is banned because of a unique combination of skills. The thing with Welch, Babb and Gallo is that they don't offer super powerful skills but very efficient standard setups as a whole so the discussion about them doesn't center on skills but on points distribution. How high is too high, 170+ wings, 90+ Power & Serve, etc? There's no definite concensus yet and the game is programmed to "work" in the 30-100 stats range anway.

Monster Defense could be fixed rather easily, 2K could make it so that it only activates when your opponent has a game/break/set/match point which would make it the exact opposite of Smell of Blood (and a hidden attribute of CPU chars).
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