I had 3 loses with murmeltier this season. Every match with him was so frustrating cause I couldnt do nothing with his welch setup, just to incredible and impossible angels for me and I think for some other too. So I decided to create my welch setup and face he's in the Australian open MS. I think welch is so overpowered and for me its unfair to use him if you r such as good as murmeltier with this setup. So to make my point I had to make the same player that he has 0 2 18 2FH 2BH and I had to beat him. After one set I get use to welch and realize all his (unfair and incredible) power. I wont write what he told me because I know is forbidden . I already told the moderator.
But what is important is that welch should be ban.
I could lose to anyone with rabari in any given day, but with welch against other (not better welch) Its very difficult to happen.
I just wanted to prove my point!