Top Spin 4?

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Postby Aletheides » Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:35

1. The running: Allow the players to change directions when having decided to do so...
Allow the player to run around a backhand to hit it with his better forehand. I manage to do that in TS3 only in about 1 % of the cases in which i wanted it. Therefore, the running speed should be greatly improved.

2. The shot-control: Allow a player to hit more than once per incoming ball! Its so ugly when u pressed a wrong button shortly and involuntarily and then watch an "ultra-noob" ball simply bounce past you in slow-motion, even if you had enough time to walk backwards towards the ball.
Create a true analogue aiming, where pushing the analogue stick 100% in a direction will amost always result in an error. Remove the option to press left trigger to be able to hit the lines altogether, precision should come from the player that controls his avatar, not from some auto-aim in the game...
Sometimes, even only rarely, the ball should hit the net and roll over it :)

3. Bring the analogue triggers to a greater use. I could imagine analogue adjustment to ball power, or the amount of spin thats in a given ball.

4. I am not a fan of having to challenge balls. I think its a luxury that should stay in tennis games, that there are no human misdecisions.

5. TS4-TV additional idea:
Let the players be the audience. Imagine how cool it would be if you`d play a major tournament match, and the spectators were only players with their avatars, trying to analyze your game or enjoying the show. They should also get the choice to interact a little, maybe by applauding, cheering, la-olaing, giving standing ovations or the like. I am bored of the cpu spectators :)

6. The equipment: Give the full Item description with all modifiers to stats and abilities that the item really offers. Then, more items are better than less! (thinking of free DLC)
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Thu, 19 Feb 2009 21:24

also one changeble thing is
in the worldtour. stopp pointcheating ,means that you must play the match finish to get ranking points. in last 3 worldtours a lot of players cheat with points. so come cheating players like "angus young " and "TOPSPIN 3" etc .to more than 20000 rankpoints. that sucks totally :evil: :twisted: :evil:
maybe so it works - you can onlyplay same guy twice in a row in worldtour :lol: :lol: than you must play a different or you have no points for a victory.
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Postby emate007 » Fri, 20 Feb 2009 01:24

The ability to 'cancel' a shot, especially while at net is the biggest problem for me in TS3. Fruity lobs keep beating me where I have to release the button very early to have ANY chance at a well timed volley, so a lame lob hits me in the head while I'm falling sideways.

Mario Tennis on N64 had the shot cancel button and it can't be that hard to include. I think this system would make volleying much more popular with the WT crowd.

Oh, and what's this about point cheating? I didn't understand what you were saying about finishing the match to get points... Are you saying people with 2 profiles are playing themselves over and over to get easy wins?
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Fri, 20 Feb 2009 01:40

emate007 wrote:The ability to 'cancel' a shot, especially while at net is the biggest problem for me in TS3. Fruity lobs keep beating me where I have to release the button very early to have ANY chance at a well timed volley, so a lame lob hits me in the head while I'm falling sideways.

Mario Tennis on N64 had the shot cancel button and it can't be that hard to include. I think this system would make volleying much more popular with the WT crowd.

Oh, and what's this about point cheating? I didn't understand what you were saying about finishing the match to get points... Are you saying people with 2 profiles are playing themselves over and over to get easy wins?

exactly so it work.. there are a lot of times in ts3 ,where nobody plays. in this time they cheat points with a friend or 2 gamertag. millions of points-not millions i,but thousands of points
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sat, 21 Feb 2009 00:07

i hope they integrate a thing like the parameter in TS2- not same but a direction ,how to risk- for this the risk can be little more difficult.
not so easy as in TS2 8) 8)
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Re: :D

Postby Q. Reese » Sun, 22 Feb 2009 02:13

jotito04 wrote:brilliant, top spin 3 is so bad, my xbox using the vase.

brillante , es tan malo el top spin 3 , mi xbox la uso de florero.

Hah. Funny. Then, you should make sure you tell them what is wrong with the game. So, you can Camy can play doubles in TS 4.

I may join you with another sibling of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup crew. :wink:
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Postby Coolhand Texas » Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:17

There is one thing that i might like to see in top spin 4, i would like to see different weather conditions. Like the heat affects the pace of the ball, the same with humidity. I think weather conditons should matter, and maybe they should make the court surfaces more realistic, where one is harder to play in than others.

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Postby Q. Reese » Mon, 23 Feb 2009 00:19

Coolhand Texas wrote:There is one thing that i might like to see in top spin 4, i would like to see different weather conditions. Like the heat affects the pace of the ball, the same with humidity. I think weather conditons should matter, and maybe they should make the court surfaces more realistic, where one is harder to play in than others.

Yes. There are few tennis games that feature this.

I would love to see a moment when each linesmen/women has there on set percentage of correctly calling balls. Of course, the umpire will have the highest percentage of calling the balls correctly.

This will really put pressure on the player to challenge the ball!!
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Postby Cro Morgan » Tue, 03 Mar 2009 15:17

Update ...

Ronnie, the 2K rep (and 2K mouth of TS3) thanked everyone for their ideas and is supposedly submitting them. So, that's good news. He also boarded up the thread, which I thought was strange.

If the thread was still open, I was going to suggest including the option to NOT shake your opponent's hand at the end of a match. It bugs me that my character shakes the hand of a cheeser. A "flip the guy off while at the net" option would have been very cool.
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Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 03 Mar 2009 16:43

I think he closed the thread because so many people were saying 2K owes ITST for much of Top Spin's success. Sometimes the truth can hurt.
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Postby SoundfSilence » Tue, 03 Mar 2009 17:47

I actually first heard of ITST on the 2K website, thanks 2K :P
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Postby emate007 » Tue, 03 Mar 2009 19:06

Rob ITST wrote:I think he closed the thread because so many people were saying 2K owes ITST for much of Top Spin's success. Sometimes the truth can hurt.

Seriously? Any idea what percentage of regular online players are members here? I know I see a good amount of players in the regular world tour mode with 40-90 stats, but I'd put the percentage at around 30% when I'm usually on.
Then again I'm on the US West Coast so I don't see most of the European players unless I log on at 8 AM when I usually have more important things to do or get ready for...
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Postby tonedawg1 » Wed, 31 Mar 2010 23:20

i think topspin 4 should make movement smoother ;P
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