I previously gave my impressions of Virtua Tennis 4 playing the ps3 demo, and i was not impressed at all (see previous post).
Having got the complete game I have to say that I have completely changed my mind. Ive been playing the game for hours and its so addictive. Its still fairly arcadey, but they have slowed down the rallies and have really improved the physics from Vt3. You have to train up your character first to really see this which is why the demo is awful!
charging up shots is great and player animations on hitting the ball are better than Topspin 4. Players jump into shots and look great running around forehands etc. The new super shot button is excellent aswell and you can turn off the awkward camera for this.
Online is much better too. I really recommend this game now having had a complete turn around in my opinion!

Graphically the xbox 360 version i think is way better. The ps3 version is less clear for some reason, more fuzzy. All in all its a great game, and only slighty inferior to the excellent TopSpin 4. If you liked Virtua Tennis 3, this game is better than that , and so much better than the awful Vt2009